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Cross-line Putaway in SAP-eWM

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Dear All,

I would like to know in which business process or scenario we use Cross-line put away and configuration for the same.


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OK, first of all CLSP does not belong to any special business process or scenario. What is meant with CLSP is that you control the sequence of the bins when searching for an empty bin during the creation of putaway warehouse tasks. It is called "cross line" because the basic idea is that you go "across" the aisles of your storage type. For a little bit more detailed explanation see here: Cross-Line Stock Putaway - Warehouse Management System (WMS) - SAP Library (especially the second half of the text) (this is the ERP documentation. In EWM it works a little bit differently, but generally it is the same idea).

How to set it up in EWM is described here: Cross-Line Stock Putaway - Putaway and Stock Removal Strategies - SAP Library. Basically you define a special activity area for the activity CLSP. If this activity area exists for your storage type, the sort sequence is used for searching for the next bin. If the AA does not exist, the search / sorting is according the bin names.




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0 Kudos
Hi Juergen, Excuse for updating in this old thread. But I can's see much relevant thread nowhere. My requirement is to have CLSP sort sequence for putaway is different and picking is different. In other words, in one of our storage type I have a totally different order for putaway to bins and different order for picking. Is it anyway to use CLSP in this kind of scenario? Please advice.