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Application error during release to LiveCache

Former Member
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Hi Experts.

I got some orders stucked in my Outbound Queue in ECC side as SysFail with the error "Application error during release to LiveCache". When I click to activate the queue the order is released and transferred to APO. The question is Why is getting stopped?

Thank you!

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Former Member
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Hi Everybody.

SAP Provided me a note to implement to fix this issue. The note number is 1238616 but I need to understand how to reproduce this error in SandBox to implement this note and check if the problem will get fixed...

Currently my OSS is assigned to SAP (Live Cache team) to let me know the root cause for this problem and how to reproduce in lower environment (sandbox) to implement the note and check if the problem will get fixed.

As work around we are manually activating these errors in CIF queues that are getting clean.

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No issue found in the LOGS... I have created a OSS Customer Message to SAP. Once I have a position from SAP I will inform what is the problem.

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Please check the application log for detailed message. Go to CFG1 remove in the Object field if you have the date and select Only very Important logs option and execute. You can get a detailed message. Probably LC might be down at that instance.