Mass upload of spare parts is a function within the SAP Asset Intelligence Network application where users can create multiple spare parts at a time.
A predefined CSV template needs to be downloaded from the application and after providing all the details of spare parts in this CSV, the user uploads the same in the SAP AIN application. The spare parts details are stored in SAP AIN, after successful upload of the CSV.
This blog provides step-to-step details of the mass upload of spare parts with all field descriptions and validations.
Download CSV Template
- Log on to the SAP Asset Intelligence Network solution
- Choose the AIN Applications à Spare Parts
- On the Spare Part List page choose the New button
- The Mass Upload of Spare Parts dialog box appears with fields Download Template and Upload Template.
- To get the CSV template of spare parts upload, click on the link displayed in the Download Template field.
Field Descriptions
The first row indicates all the downloaded CSV fields. It is recommended for users not to make any changes in the first row. If there is any change, you will not be allowed to upload it.
The below table provides the field descriptions:
Mandatory Field Validation
The mandatory fields cannot be empty in CSV. If the mandatory fields are empty, the system throws up an error message.
For example, if no values are provided in manufacturerPartNumber field, an error message “
Manufacturer part number cannot be empty’ is displayed. See the table above to know which fields are mandatory.
Uniqueness Validation
Spare parts should be unique across the client. Uniqueness is determined by sparepartID, eanNumber and combination of manufacturerPartNumber and manufacturer. If any spare part exists in the system with these values, the system throws up an error message.
For example, if provided sparepartID already exists in system, the error message ‘
The spare part ID < sparepartID > entered already exists” is displayed.
An error message is also displayed if multiple rows exist in CSV with duplicate values in these columns.
Enumeration Field Validation
The value provided in enumeration fields should exist in the system. The system displays an error message for an invalid entry. All the fields which contain enumeration value are mentioned in the field description table.
For example, if you provide an invalid uom, then an error message ‘
The UOMs <value in uom field> are not valid’ is displayed.
Information on getting valid enumeration value is described later part of this document.
Unit and Unit Field Value Validation
If you provide any value for unit fields like volume or height, it is mandatory that you also provide the unit for those fields.
For example, if you provide volume without the volume unit, an error message ‘
You must specify the unit for the volume’ is displayed.
Number Format Validation
For any field with number type, provide a valid positive number
For example, if you provide an invalid number in volume filed, an error message ‘
Please provide a valid positive number for volume’ is displayed.
Field Size Validation
The length of value should not exceed the limit mentioned in field description.
For example, if the value in the volume field exceeds 10, an error message ‘
Size of the volume should not exceed 10’ is displayed.
Enumeration Field Value
There is one public API exposed to get all valid enumeration values.
Run the below API for the respective account to get all enumeration field values:
For uom the service will provide data as shown below. You provide the value of the code in uom field in CSV. And, the service then provides valid data of all enumeration fields.
Upload the CSV File
- Choose the AIN Applications à Spare Parts
- On the Spare Part List page choose the New button
- Choose Mass Upload of Spare Parts
- The Mass Upload of Spare Parts dialog box appears with fields Download Template and Upload Template.
- To upload the CSV, choose Browse in Upload Template section and select the prepared CSV that contains all valid data.
The CSV with all valid data, passing all validations, will uploaded to SAP AIN.
You have successfully completed the mass upload of spare parts.