The capacity ID and object ID for the resource in R3 is no longer in sync with CAPID and ARBID in APO which is nothing but the scenario of incorrect mapping of resource. This may sometime happen because of system copy of the APO system. In this case if you try to retransfer the resource to APO system, it may terminate with error "resource already exist in APO".
In order to solve this issue, you have the following options
1) To delete the resource in APO and then retransfer it to APO again. This is only possible if you also delete all the dependent objects for the resource in APO
2) Is to implement the note 1167218 which has the report /sapapo/change_bsg_resource to solve the inconsistency
3) You might want to try using transaction /SAPAPO/OM17 and use the option of Consistency Check LivecacheDB. Check the resources and correct any inconsistency. Sometimes the DB and LC may not be in sync.
4) Try /SAPAPO/CRES_CREATE_LC_RES program with different options.
The above should help in solving the mapping error of the resource