The 25th version of the SAP Best Practices for SAP Integrated Business Planning for Supply Chain is now available and as usual it comes with a lot of enhancements and improvements.
Here the highlights of the 2111 release:
Enhancements and changes for Sample Model SAPIBP1
We spend quite some time and effort every release to apply the latest and greatest features to the SAPIBP1 planning area, to include customer feedback and to make is easier to use and better to understand.
Let me just mention the major topics for 2111:
- We created additional helper key figure in demand sensing required for the new settings related to sensed demand balancing for past days. With these options the key figure SENSEDDEMANDQTY is now also an input (for the past days) into the demand sensing algorithm. Since SENSEDDEMANDQTY has UoM conversion, it is a requirement to model an additional helper key figure HCONVSENSEDDEMANDQTY. This helper key figure was added to SAPIBP1. This fix was also downported to release 2108.
- New attribute and key figure for product footprint information; FOOTPRINTPERUNIT as additional attribute as key figure to LOCATION PRODUCT and FOOTPRINT as key figure with a calculation behind (production receipts of the long-term production plan multiplied by the footprint of the product/location.
- Adjusted time profile settings for default horizon in the past and future. To increase usability when creating new Excel Planning Views, the Default Horizon in the Past and Future settings were changed. The default display horizon that you set for a time profile level determines the default time period that is preselected for the relevant time profile level on the Time Settings tab of the Create New Planning View screen of the SAP Integrated Business Planning, add-in for Microsoft Excel (SAP IBP, add-in for Microsoft Excel).
As always you can find the detailed description of all changes
Greenhouse gas information now in IBP available
With release 2111 we deliver new content that allows you to build sustainability directly in your supply chain planning.
- The new IBP for sales and operations – footprint analysis scope item describes how to monitor the greenhouse gas emissions of your plants based on the results of the supply planning heuristic run.
- The IBP – time-series-based inbound integration with SAP S/4HANA scope item now integrates footprint information from SAP S/4HANA on product location level.
Where does the data come from?
SAP Product Footprint Management – short SAP PFM - is a native SAP Cloud solution designed for manufacturing and product-centric companies. It calculates their product footprints periodically and at scale.
SAP S/4HANA provides SAP PFM with the master data and transactional data that are used as the basis for calculating the footprint. The footprint information per unit is then transferred back to SAP S/4HANA. SAP S/4HANA uses this information for various purposes, for example, for sourcing decisions, and makes this information available to SAP Integrated Business Planning. In SAP IBP, the supply chain planner gets a good overview of the greenhouse gas emissions in the supply chain based on the supply plan for the next 12 months. Planners can dive deeper into the details and try to resolve critical situations and alerts.
Here a short video about Footprint Analysis.

Intelligent Visibility App
Enhanced IBP for demand – new product introduction scope item
IBP for demand – new product introduction scope item has been enhanced with a variant for manual forecasting that you can use if no reference product is available. You can find the test script and additional information
Time-series-based integration now based on WebSocket RFC
The IBP – time-series-based inbound integration with SAP S/4HANA and the IBP – Integration of planned independent requirements to SAP S/4HANA scope items now use a new connection type based on WebSocket RFC.
Integrated financial planning
New SAP Analytics Cloud content for integrated financial planning is now available. In this financial integration scenario, SAP IBP forecast data is transferred to SAP Analytics Cloud and combined with financial data from SAP S/4HANA to improve the quality of sales and profitability planning. The planning results are sent back to SAP IBP where they are used to increase the accuracy of the S&OP management business review.
Please be aware that SAP Analytics Cloud content is not part of SAP Best Practices for SAP Integrated Business Planning but works together with the sample planning area SAPIBP1. Please note that due to different release schedules of the products involved, this integration is only available productively as of 13 November 2021.
Here a short video about integrated financial planning.

Integrated Financial Planning
Check out this
video to learn what SAP Best Practices for SAP Integrated Business Planning can do for you.
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