Work Orders are the backbone of company’s maintenance process. They are primarily used to plan, schedule work, calculate costs for labor and track spare parts consumed.
The record consists of basic information that defines the work order, such as the work order number, description, additional descriptive information to further identify the work order, such as special instructions and allows you to track:
- Tasks performed on an equipment
- Time consumed
- Spare parts used for maintenance task
This blog discusses how to push work orders created in SAP EAM and display them in the SAP AIN system. Furthermore, it provides settings to be done in SAP EAM back-end system for work order collaboration and highlights the tasks and benefits of EAM and AIN users.
- The EAM work order should have the equipment as reference object.
- The reference object equipment should have an equivalent equipment in the SAP AIN system.
Configuration to be done on the SAP EAM system
The On-Premise ERP system comes with more customizable or configurable data whereas the AIN system comes with the predefined value set. Hence a value mapping is required between ERP and AIN system values. The following are customizable fields which requires value mapping.
- Order Type
- Priority
- Status
Predefined value set in the AIN system for the above fields:
- The value mapping can be done using the maintenance view AIN_V_VALUE_MAP.
- The Object Type should be selected as Work Order and the field name can be one of the field listed above.
- The EAM values are customer specific and can be mapped to one of the above listed AIN value.
Creation of Work Order in the SAP EAM system
- Create a Work Order with Equipment using transaction IW31
Post Work Order from SAP EAM to SAP AIN
- Push work orders to SAP AIN using transaction AIN_POST_ORDER
- Once the program is successfully executed, the work order will be posted to AIN system
Tasks and Benefits for SAP EAM user
- Select the work orders that needs to be pushed or replicated to SAP AIN based on filter criteria or fields such as Equipment, Plant, Order Type, Status, Start & End Date
- Push selected work orders to SAP AIN by calling the work order APIs available in SAP AIN
- View the logs of all the work orders that have been pushed or synchronized to SAP AIN
- Perform the push or synchronization as manual task as well as a scheduled background Job
Tasks and Benefits for SAP AIN user
- View list of relevant work orders for an equipment with logical grouping and sorting function
- Navigate to work order details by selecting a specific work order
- View details of any selected work order such as Order ID, Order short description, Order Status, Order Type, Order Priority, Start Date, Finish Date and Order long description
- View work order highlight cards such as number of work orders by priority, progress, order type (planned, breakdown)