Number | Explanation |
1 + 2 + 3 | AWB number: - A combination of carrier, airport and document information
1 | AWB code of airline - Numeric, three digits
- Only available if the stage is already planned and a Freight Booking exists with carrier information
- Fallback: Two-letter IATA airline code, if main stage on FWO has carrier information:
3 | HAWB number - Created from FWO via toolbar action “HAWB” -> “Draw HAWB Number” or entered manually
2 | IATA code of airport of departure - Is not filled in HAWB, so it stays empty
4 | Address of the shipper in FWO - Sequence according to availability:
- Edited printing address from FWO’s business partner tab (edit text field, not only select different address text type)
- 4-line address from business partner
- 5-line address from business partner
- Maximum 4 lines of default address from business partner
- Maximum characters per line: 35
5 | Shipper’s business partner number |
6 | Address of the consignee in FWO - Sequence according to availability:
- Edited printing address from FWO’s business partner tab (edit text field, not only select different address text type)
- 4-line address from business partner
- 5-line address from business partner
- Maximum 4 lines of default address from business partner
- Maximum characters per line: 35
7 | Consignee’s business partner number |
8 | Issuing carrier’s agent name and city - Is not filled in HAWB, so it stays empty
9 | Agent’s IATA code - Is not filled in HAWB, so it stays empty
10 | Account number - Is not filled in HAWB, so it stays empty
11 | Airport of departure - The first airport of the main stage(s)
- Consists of three-letter IATA code and the city name of the airport (e.g. “FRA Frankfurt”), if available. The city name comes from IATA location (customizing), not airport location.
- Maximum characters for construct: 20
12 | Accounting information - Text filled in FWO (“General Data” tab)
- Maximum lines: 7
13 | IATA code of the first destination airport |
14 | Name of carrier of flight between 11 and 13 |
15 | IATA code of the next destination airport after 13 |
16 | IATA code of carrier of flight between 13 and 15 |
17 | IATA code of the next destination airport after 15 |
18 | IATA code of carrier of flight between 15 and 17 |
19 | Document Currency (ISO code) - Maintained in FWO’s “Charges” tab
- Is valid for all displayed amounts in HAWB
20 | CHGS Code - Equals freight term: PP for prepaid, CC for collect; first letter is for weight and volume charges, second one for other charges
- Dependent on the incoterm (“General Data” tab of FWO): If the incoterm is either EXW or FCA, the CHGS code should be CC; if it’s FAS or FOB, the code should be CP; in all other cases (incl. empty incoterm) it should be PP
21-22 | Payer information for weight and valuation charges - Option marked with X
- Should match with 13
23-24 | Payer information for other charges - Option marked with X
- Should match with 13
25 | Declared value for carriage - Comes from “General Data” tab of FWO, field “Goods Value”
- Will be converted into document currency if necessary
- If empty, the term “NVD” (no value declared) is being displayed
26 | Declared value for customs - Comes from “General Data” tab of FWO, field “Goods Value for Customs”
- Will be converted into document currency if necessary
- If empty, the term “NCV” (no customs value) is being displayed
27 | Airport of destination - The last airport of the main stage(s)
- Consists of three-letter IATA code and the city name of the airport (e.g. “FRA Frankfurt”), if available. The city name comes from IATA location (customizing), not airport location.
- If both components are missing, the field stays empty
- Maximum characters: 20
28 | Flight information of first flight - Consists of IATA code of airline + flight number (if available in freight booking) + slash + two-digit day of flight
- Example with flight number: Lufthansa flight 1234 on 18th May: LH1234/18
- The date is the flight date of the main carriage of the according freight booking; fallback: requested start date (freight unit)
- Example without flight number (see above): LH/18
29 | Flight information of second flight - Consists of IATA code of airline + flight number (if available in Freight Booking) + slash + two-digit day of flight
30 | Amount of insurance - Comes from “General Data” tab of FWO, field “Insurable Value”
- Will be converted into document currency if necessary
- If empty, the term “XXX” is being displayed
31 | Handling information - Text filled in FWO (“General Data” tab)
- Maximum lines: 3
32 | SCI code (Special customs information) - Two-letter code maintained in FWO (“General Data” tab)
33-41 | Weight charges table - List of TRQ items (products or packages/containers) with the assigned weight charges
- Depends on the calculation resolution base of your weight charges (either the products or the packages/containers are shown.
- There can be more than one charge item assigned to a TRQ item. In this case, the charge-relevant data will have two lines, while the item-related data as “master” is only mentioned once. In the example you see on weight charge with a fix amount of 9 EUR and one rate-based (100 EUR for 100 KG weight) both assigned to one item:
- If there are multiple main stages, the charges are all listed in this table. Example (two main stages, two weight charges per item and stage):
- Only charges should be printed when they fit to the freight term/incoterm (e.g. CP; first character refers to weight charges => only weight charges from the collect side should appear)
- Inactive charge lines should not be printed (see checkbox on FWO charges screen)
- The end user has to take care of the fact that all lines fit into the table. If there are more, they will still continue to be printed outside of the table and therefore “overwrite” the other charges table (where both texts are visible).
33 | Number of pieces - As defined for the TRQ item in the FWO
34 | Gross weight - As defined for the TRQ item in the FWO
35 | kg / lb - One-digit code: K for KG, L for LB
- No automatic “translation”, it is in the responsibility of the item creator that he uses a common unit of measure
36 | Rate class |
37 | Commodity code number - The number is shown which is defined in the rate table and which fits to the one defined at TRQ item level
38 | Chargeable weight |
39 | Rate/charge - Defined in either rate table or calculation sheet (can be overwritten in “Charges” screen of FWO)
40 | Total of charge item line - Chargeable weight x rate amount or fix amount)
41 | Nature of goods - Defined per weight charge item in the “Charges” screen of FWO
- Multiple lines should occur on printout in the same order as entered in the FWO
42 | Total number of pieces - Sum of number of pieces of displayed TRQ items
- Important to have a common calculation resolution base, so that the sum doesn’t e.g. contain the number of products plus the number of packages that actually contain the products
43 | Total gross weight - Sum of gross weight amounts of displayed TRQ items
44 | Total amount - Sum of all displayed charge item totals
57 | Other charges - Two adjacent tables with two columns each:
- Charge code: Three-digit code, combination of IATA charge code (e.g. MY) plus payer information (C for due carrier and A for due agent)
- Other charges are summarized per type and payer across all stages (e.g. all MYC are combined into one line)
- Amount: Value of other charge (summed up across all entities plus header-level data)
- Only charges should be printed when they fit to the freight term/incoterm (e.g. CP; second character refers to other charges => only other charges from the prepaid side should appear)
- Inactive charge lines should not be printed (see checkbox on FWO charges screen)
- The end user has to take care of the fact that all lines fit into the table. If there are more, they will still continue to be printed outside of the table and therefore “overwrite” the signature tables (where both texts are visible).
45-56 | Prepaid/collect summary - All charges of all types are summarized across all entities (plus header-level data) regarding their payer information (prepaid or collect). This information comes from the incoterm setting, however, it is important to know that there is a simplifying mapping in place for the HAWB print, which takes the incoterm and “translates” it into a freight term; this mapping always returns PP/prepaid, except for the incoterms EXW and FCA, where it returns CC/collect, and for the incoterms FAS and FOB, where it returns CP. This doesn’t have any effect on the charge calculation itself, only for the printing. Example: If the freight term is CP, then there shouldn’t be any values in the cells for prepaid weight and collect other charges – even if they exist in the charge calculation.
- Weight and valuation charges will only be collected from the main stage(s)
- Inactive charge lines should not be added to the sums (see checkbox on FWO charges screen)
- Other charges are further split into due carrier and due agent
55 | Total prepaid - Sum of all prepaid charges
56 | Total collect - Sum of all collect charges
58 | Signature of shipper - Contains the term “On behalf of the shipper” in the first line with the name and city of the sales organization in the second line. The name is per default the second name of the business partner master data (see transaction BP), fallback is the first name:
- Maximum characters per line: 40
59 | Execution information - Contains the term “As carrier” in the first line, date and city in the second line, and name and city of the sales organization next to it, separated in two lines (name convention see above field 58)
- The date is the flight date of first main stage (from booking) or as fallback the requested start date of the source-stop of the first main stage
- The city is the city of the sales organization
- Maximum characters per line (for carrier name, address and town/place): 40
60 | Shipment order ID |
61 | Address of sales organization - Sequence according to availability:
- Edited printing address from FWO’s business partner tab (edit text field, not only select different address text type)
- 4-line address from business partner
- 5-line address from business partner
- Maximum 4 lines of default address from business partner
- Maximum characters per line: 35