Hi Folks,
We cannot just upgrade liveCache without considering SCM, because liveCache and SCM has very strict matrix/combination.
Here I will list how to check the matrix of liveCache(based on maxdb), LCA build and SCM. Because it is the prerequisite for a functional system. In other words, if the matrix is not right, then we can say the SCM + liveCache is not supported.
We have below SCN direct document link for each SCM version,
SCM 7.0
SAP SCM 7.01
SCM 7.02
SCM 7.03
but below we can locate all the SCM version verify this matrix from central entry :
1. go to link below and find the left of this page:
2. Then we can see major version of SCM. Here we just take SCM 7.0 for an example and click it you will see:
3. This is very basic information for the SCM 7.0. Here we are interested in SAP note 2074841, click the note, then we will see the matrix:
We can see the matrix for every SP level. Please note LiveCache build (second column) is downward compatible. Which means higher LiveCache build package works for the lower package. For example: "70.31 PL 001" can be used for all the listed SCM SP level. But "70.30 PL 001" cannot be used for
SCM 7.01 SP14
SCM 7.00 SP17
Best regards,