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This continues after Part-1: Improvements in Production Planning Heuristics Logs in SAP APO (Part- 1/3)

In Part-1 of this three part series, we discussed how we can make an improvement on the way production planning and scheduling heuristics logs appear in standard SAP APO (displayed through transaction /sapapo/rrplog1). SAP Notes 1911427 and 1920820 come to our help in that regard. But if we implement SAP Notes 1911427 and 1920820, these may cause some system performance issues. In this small piece we shall discuss how to overcome these system performance concerns.

In order to resolve or overcome these system performance issues, we need to implement following three SAP Notes.


1. SAP Note# 1998968 - Update task hangs in program SAPLSENA

Version 3 Validity: 21.05.2014 - active Language English (Master)

Released On 21.05.2014 15:40:03

Release Status Released for Customer

Component BC-SRV-BAL Basis Application Log

Priority Correction with high priority

Category Program error


2. SAP Note# 2025948 - Long processing times spent by waiting for an enqueue

Version 7 Validity: 05.11.2014 - active Language English (Master)

Released On 05.11.2014 08:54:34

Release Status Released for Customer

Component BC-SRV-BAL Basis Application Log

Priority Correction with high priority

Category Program error


3. SAP Note# 2069753 - Infinite wait in program SAPLSENA

Version 2 Validity: 07.10.2014 - active Language English (Master)

Released On 16.10.2014 15:37:42

Release Status Released for Customer

Component BC-SRV-BAL Basis Application Log

Priority Correction with medium priority

Category Program error


Please note that these SAP Notes are standard SAP Notes which will be delivered along with the support package.

So to summarize, the recommendation is that if you are implementing SAP Notes 1911427 and 1920820 for improvement in heuristics planning logs, also implement the following SAP Notes and prerequisite SAP Notes if any (depending on your system):

After going through the implementation and resolution of performance issues related to it, it will be good to see examples of how the improved logs should look like. I shall try to address that in Part-3 which will conclude this topic.


[Disclaimer: Written by K Rahul. This article or post is written by the author based on his personal experience while working on SAP. Before implementing any solution you are advised to always do the analysis as well as reach out to SAP in case needed and adopt a solution only if it suits you and testing is successful.]

Next post in the series:

Improvements in Production Planning Heuristics Logs in SAP APO (Part- 3/3)

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