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You would like to calculate durations in Event Management for different events like “Carrier Arrival”, “Load Begin”, “Departure” etc for Shipments. These durations can then be extracted into BW using the data source 0SCEM_2.


Consider the following shipment in ECC. We are interested in capturing the delay between the planned and the actual times for each of the events (Check-in, Loading start etc).

The Step By Step Solution

Execute the transaction SPRO in the Event Management system and then click on the SAP Reference IMG button.

In the IMG open the node:

SAP Customization Implementation Guide > Event Management > SAP Business Information Warehouse Interface > Define SAP BW Profiles.

Now select the BW Profile that you are using for extracting Event Management data into BW and then double click on Event Duration Calculation in the left pane.

NOTE: BW Profile is used in customizing for mapping event handler information into extraction structures for the SAP Business Information Warehouse. The SAP BW profile is assigned to an event handler type to allow event handler data to be extracted.

In the pop-up box which appears use the Search Help button to select the event for which you would like to setup the duration calculation and hit enter. Let’s say we select the event “ARRIV_CARR” which is the carrier arrival in this case.

Hit the “New Entries” button for creating new duration calculation. Now make the appropriate selections for the entries in the Event Duration Calculation.

The selections that you make here are very important and requires a bit of an explanation here:

  • The data source 0SCEM_2 provides us with five duration fields, “EVT_DURATION_01” to “EVT_DURATION_05” for each event defined in the system.
  • You have a free hand here to decide which field will represent which duration. In the screenshot above we have selected EVT_DURATION_01 to represent the difference between planned and the actual time for the event “ARRIV_CARR”. Similarly EVT_DURATION_02 in our case represents difference between the planned message arrival time in Event Management system and the actual time the message was received for the event “ARRIV_CARR”.
  • Src. Table will be the table from where these actual and planned values will be fetched. In our example it is the “Event Message Header” table and it is numbered 4 in the system.
  • TST1 and TST2 are the fields which store the planned and actual time respectively. In our example for EVT_DURATION_01 we have selected TST1 as “EVENT_EXP_DATE” (the planned time) and TST2 as “EVENT_DATE_UTC” (the actual time).

Once you are done with these settings we can then save them. Follow the same instructions for the other events like “LOAD_BEGIN”, “LOAD_END” etc.

When you are done setting up the duration calculations for all the events, save them and exit out of SPRO. Now we need to re-initialize the data source so that these calculations come into effect for all records. On the SAP Easy Access screen, under the SAP Menu and drill down to the following node:

SAP Menu > Event Management > Administration > SAP Netweaver BI Upload > Intial Setup Tables

Here you can choose to delete the event handler header table, events table and the expected events group table. This is similar to deletion of the setup tables in ECC.

Now to refill the setup tables go to the following node in the SAP menu:

SAP Menu > Event Management > Administration > SAP Netweaver BI Upload > Initial Data upload to SAP Netweaver BI.

Make the appropriate selections here for the data that you wish to initialize. Make sure that the Event code is set to “0INT”.


With the above settings if you run the extractor 0SCEM_2 it should correctly calculate the duration in Event Management for different events like “Carrier Arrival”, “Load Begin”, “Departure” etc for Shipments.

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