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The business is sending the products to the customer with respect to the sales order .Once the customer check the quality which is not up-to the mark and customer wants to return the product to the warehouse

So how can we achieve the above requirement?

We can achieve the above requirement through customer returns and billing document as shown below


2)Map ERP Document types to EWM Document type

3)Map ERP Item types to EWM Item type

4)Map ERP Document type to Different attribute

5)Delivery Split by Warehouse Number

6)Put away strategies

7)Billing Document

8)create a sale order with respect to billing document


1)Activate BC set Tcode:SCPR20

2)Map ERP Document types to EWM Document type

Path: IMG -->SCM Extended Warehouse Management-->Extended Warehouse Management-->Interfaces-->ERP Integration-->Delivery Processing-->Map ERP Document types to EWM Document type

3)Map ERP ITEM types to ITEM Document type

Path: IMG -->SCM Extended Warehouse Management-->Extended Warehouse Management-->Interfaces-->ERP Integration-->Delivery Processing-->Map ERP ITEM types to EWM ITEM types

4)Define ERP Document Types for Differentiation Attribute

Path: IMG -->SCM Extended Warehouse Management-->Extended Warehouse Management-->Interfaces-->ERP Integration-->Delivery Processing-->Define ERP Document Types for Differentiation Attribute

5)Delivery Split by Warehouse Number

Path: IMG-->Logistics Execution-->Shipping-->Define Split Criteria for Deliveries-->Define delivery split per delivery type

5)Put away Strategies

Path: IMG -->SCM Extended Warehouse Management-->Extended Warehouse Management-->Goods Receipt Process-->Specify Storage Type Search Sequence for Putaway


To display the billing document Tcode:VF04

Click on display billing list

Click on individual billing document

Click on save button

By saving a new document no will be generated and the status is will be check mark

Now a create sale document with reference to billing doc

Here mandatory is order type should be RE(Returns delivery)

Here order reason need to be given and check the item category-REN

Returns order will be saved

Now create outbound delivery with returns delivery

Check the delivery gets distributed

Check the stock for the material in mmbe before returns

Process these delivery in EWM system /N/SCWM/PRDI

Check the doc type and doc category level

Check the warehouse process type ,item category and item type at item level

Create the warehouse task and confirm the warehouse task

Confirm the warehouse order

Go to Monitor check the stock

Before customer returns the stock is 1 and now once the customer returns done the stock is updated to 11


Conclusion: By the above Blog post we can do the customer returns with respect to sales order.



Thanks for your Patience
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