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Workflow restart not holding approvers on save

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Hello Experts,

We are using SRM 7.0 PCW - BRF. we are facing issue in Approver determination. When an approver edits the shopping cart. The BRF workflow is restarted successfully with new approvers but when the approver saves the cart instead of submitting and opens the saved cart latter. The old list of approvers are displayed instead of newly changed approvers. Please help me to solve this issue.

Thanks & Regards


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Former Member
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Hi Arun

This seems to be an issue with the code

Could you please try putting a debug point at the below  and see what the result is being shown ?

Also I did not understand what it means when you say the user edits the cart so the approver changes .. do you mean that some value is changed in the SC so that the new Set of approvers are determined .. pl elaborate a bit on that

Enhancement spot : 








Also see if the note is applicable ..

  924064 - FM BBP_WFL_DIN_FILL_APPROVER: Approvers may be incorrect



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Thank you for the reply. Yes when the user edits i.e changes some value in the cart, new set of approvers are determined and shown in Approval process overview tab.

But when the user saves the cart and opens it again the old list of approvers are shown instead of new set of approvers. yes i debugged the enhancement spots shared by you, The approvers are determined properly. i.e New set of approvers are identified when we tried to open the cart from UWL. but not updated to APPROVAL Process overview tab.

The Functionality is working fine when the user edits the cart, new set of approvers are determined and once he approver approves the cart. The shopping cart is moving properly.

But when the user saves and opens the cart the list is refreshed.

The actual code for redetermining the approvers are written in Restart Badi. we are making the EV_RESTART flag to X to redetermine the approvers based on the change done by the user. But when the user saves and opens the cart the change flag is coming as blank. Whihc is telling the system like no changes are done and no restart needed. Even when i reset the flag = X in debugging mode, the functionality is fine. but we need to add one additional condition to it like when the cart is changed and in saved status then restart.

Note: we are using custom logic to determine the approvers.

Can you please share some more points??

Thanks & Regards


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We solved the issue by restricting the WF restart for saved cart.

We can find the saved cart using the table SWWWIHEAD by passing the workitem id and wi_stat = SELECTED.

