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transaction - PPOMA_BBP how category responsibility link to organization ?

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Hi everyone !

I would like to know when i choose organization i get his category responsibility .

How this link between category responsibility and organization is made ?

which tables invloved ?

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<u><b>Please go through this -></b></u>

Every purchaser will be assigned to the relevant purchasing groups in Organization structure and purchasing groups have the product responsibility (product category) and person/organization responsiblility assigned in the 'Responsibility' tab. I think this should be sufficient to get the linkage.

<u>1) The table for product category is COMM_CATEGORY. Also look in Tables HRP1001 and its related database views.

2) The function module BBP_OM_FIND_SC. It returns a list of found purchasing org. / groups responsible for a specified user, product category and logical backend system.

3) Using BAdI BBP_PGRP_FIND for determination

4) Use Function Module -> BBP_OM_READ_PURCH_ORG_ID

Give Logical system and Purchasing group to this FM.

It will give you



Use this info in table HRP1000(Infotype 1000 DB Table) to get the value of text.

5) Function module - BBP_OM_DETERMINE_RESP_PGRP</u>

The purchaing groups are responsible for product catrgories (material group) and not material numbers. If you use "describe requirement" to create a shopping cart, the purchasing group will default from this responsibilty of product categorty and not material number.

Also the purchasing group can default on other criterias like the organizational responsibility and so on....

Inorder to determine the reponsible purchase organization for creating shopping carts for all product categories, this task can be accomplished by implemeting the badi BBP_DOC_CHANGE_BADI. here you have to write some logic to change the purchasing organization based on product category.

In the purchasing cycle Purchase Organization is not responsible to procure the product, Purchase Group is responsible for the same.

In the Organization structure after defining Purchasing organization, you might have define Purchase Group also in the purcase group RESPONSIBLE TAB you have to define the PRODUCT CATAGORY to be procure by this Purchase group.

Hope this will help.


- Atul