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SRM7.0 SOCO Screen2 - Some standard fields are not getting populated

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Hello All,

We are working on SRM7.0 where we used to create RFX from carry out sourcing screen.

After documents are selected in first screen/step for sourcing(attached screen shot 1),

when we click on next step Assign source of supply(Attached screen 2) some fields are not populated in the table.

Here i have attached both the Screen shots for your reference.

If we look at the below screen (First step) standard field Priority is populated as WSP.


In the second screen the field Priority is not getting populated as follow.


Please let me know your valuable suggestions on this.


Manimaran K

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Hello Manimaran,

The logic that populates this data can be found in Method REFRESH_ROWS of class /SAPSRM/CL_CH_WD_DOM_SOCO_GAF2. Firstly system gets the priority customizing and then populates the data accordingly. Please search for the following lines:

CALL METHOD mo_priority_helper->get_priorities

CASE ls_prio_disp_mode-display_mode. (please note that this logic occurs twice in this method)

You can also compare why the system behaves differently during search. This can be checked in Method SEARCH of class /SAPSRM/CL_CH_WD_DOM_SOCO_GAF1. You can search for the same lines in this method too.

Best Regards,


0 Kudos

Hello Daniel,

Thanks for your reply.

Yes we already checked that method REFRESH_ROWS and there are two option (Text & icon) to display priority field. However In the case statement i didn't find coding when priority display mode is T (text). PFB coding for your reference,

* Begin correction for note #1323962 - Priority Column

* Get information if icon or text should be displayed and get also the customizing for display

* of priorities (e.g. path for icon)

  CALL METHOD mo_priority_helper->get_priorities


      iv_object_type    = /sapsrm/if_pdo_obj_types_c=>gc_pdo_shop


      et_priorities     = lt_priorities

      et_prio_disp_mode = lt_prio_disp_mode.

* Prio display is only required for shopping carts, so the table only contains one line

  CLEAR ls_prio_disp_mode.

  READ TABLE lt_prio_disp_mode INTO ls_prio_disp_mode INDEX 1.

* Check, if icon/text/nothing should be displayed - display mode for priorities

  CASE ls_prio_disp_mode-display_mode.

    WHEN /sapsrm/if_cll_dom_soco_gaf2~gc_wd_prio_disp_mode_icon.

*   Priorities should be displayed as Icons

*   -> Cell Variant for displaying Icons should be used

*     Get Parent Element of Workarea -> SoCo_Workarea

*     This is necessary because the meta data for Display Prio Mode is located in the following path:

*     SoCo_Workarea -> Loca_UI_Control: Prio_Disp_Mode

*     before this, the current node is SoCo_Workarea -> Workarea ...

      lon_parent_element    = mo_wd_workarea_context_node->get_parent_element( ).

      lon_local_ui_ctr_prio = lon_parent_element->get_child_node( name = /sapsrm/if_cll_dom_soco_gaf2~gc_wd_local_ui_control ). "'LOCAL_UI_CONTROL'

      IF lon_local_ui_ctr_prio IS BOUND.


          name  = /sapsrm/if_cll_dom_soco_gaf2~gc_wd_prio_disp_mode "'PRIO_DISP_MODE'

          value = /sapsrm/if_cll_dom_soco_gaf2~gc_wd_prio_disp_mode_icon ).


    WHEN /sapsrm/if_cll_dom_soco_gaf2~gc_wd_prio_disp_mode_text.

*   Priorities should be displayed as Texts

*     -> There is only a new Cell Variant for displaying icons. If the cell variant for

*        displaying icons isn't used, a text-view will be displayed by default

    WHEN ' '.

*   Priorities shouldn't be displayed

*     -> There is only a new Cell Variant for displaying icons. If the cell variant for

*        displaying icons isn't used, a text-view will be displayed by default


*   Customer has modified table BBPC_PRIO_DISPTY

*   Use textual Display by default

*   Priorities should be displayed as Texts

*     -> There is only a new Cell Variant for displaying icons. If the cell variant for

*        displaying icons isn't used, a text-view will be displayed by default


* End correction for note #1323962 - Priority Column


In another place inside the loop the below code has been written

*     Begin correction for note #1323962 - Priority Column

      CLEAR ls_priorities.

*     Get the required informations for the priority of the item

      READ TABLE lt_priorities INTO ls_priorities

                               WITH KEY priority_id = ls_cll_workarea-doc_priority.

*     Check, if priorities should be displayed as icons or texts

      CASE ls_prio_disp_mode-display_mode.

        WHEN /sapsrm/if_cll_dom_soco_gaf2~gc_wd_prio_disp_mode_icon.

*       Priorities should be displayed as Icons

*       set the corresponding Icon and description (used for displayed icon, text and tooltip)

          ls_cll_workarea-prio_description = ls_priorities-description.

          ls_cll_workarea-prio_icon_path   = ls_priorities-symbol.

          ls_cll_workarea-priority_rank = ls_priorities-rank.

        WHEN /sapsrm/if_cll_dom_soco_gaf2~gc_wd_prio_disp_mode_text.

*       Priorities should be displayed as Texts

*       set the corresponding description (used for displayed text and tooltip)

          ls_cll_workarea-prio_description = ls_priorities-description.

          ls_cll_workarea-priority_rank = ls_priorities-rank.

        WHEN ' '.

*       Priorities shouldn't be displayed. -> Maintain no data.

        WHEN OTHERS.

*       Customer has modified table BBPC_PRIO_DISPTY

*       Use textual Display by default

*       set the corresponding description (used for displayed text and tooltip)

          ls_cll_workarea-prio_description = ls_priorities-description.

          ls_cll_workarea-priority_rank = ls_priorities-rank.


*     End correction for note #1323962 - Priority Column

In run time if we set the priority display mode as S then we could see the priority in ICON format.

However business want to see as text like WSP,AOG..

Please let me know your feedback on this.


Manimaran K

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hello Manimaran,

Thank you for your detailed answer. In the second place where you can find the logic for priorities, there is also the logic for populating the text:

WHEN /sapsrm/if_cll_dom_soco_gaf2~gc_wd_prio_disp_mode_text.

*       Priorities should be displayed as Texts

*       set the corresponding description (used for displayed text and tooltip)

          ls_cll_workarea-prio_description = ls_priorities-description.

          ls_cll_workarea-priority_rank = ls_priorities-rank.

Could you please compare the behavior in Method SEARCH of class /SAPSRM/CL_CH_WD_DOM_SOCO_GAF1 to the behavior of Method REFRESH_ROWS of class /SAPSRM/CL_CH_WD_DOM_SOCO_GAF2. Please check if you can find any differences that cause that the scenario works in the first case, but not for the second. Is ls_cll_workarea-prio_description populated correctly in case the display mode is text?

Additionally please specify your SRM Version and SP.

Best Regards,


0 Kudos

Hello Daniel,

Thanks for your response.

I checked SEARCH method in the First component and i could not find any clue. Yes in first component PRIORITY is getting displayed in TEXT mode.

Just for your reference i am posting search method code below.

* Begin correction for note 1323962 - Priority Column

* Get information if icon or text should be displayed and get also the customizing

* for display of priorities (e.g. Path for Icon)

  CALL METHOD mo_priority_helper->get_priorities


      iv_object_type    = /sapsrm/if_pdo_obj_types_c=>gc_pdo_shop


      et_priorities     = lt_priorities

      et_prio_disp_mode = lt_prio_disp_mode.

* Prio Display is only required for SCs, so the table only contains one line

  READ TABLE lt_prio_disp_mode INTO ls_prio_disp_mode INDEX 1.

* Check if icon/text/nothing should be displayed - display mode for Priorities

  CASE ls_prio_disp_mode-display_mode.

    WHEN /sapsrm/if_cll_dom_soco_gaf1~gc_wd_prio_disp_mode_icon.

*   Priorities should be displayed as Icons

*   -> Cell Variant for displaying Icons should be used

      lon_local_ui_ctr_prio = mo_wd_context->get_child_node( name = 'LOCAL_UI_CONTROL' ).


        name  = 'PRIO_DISP_MODE'

        value = /sapsrm/if_cll_dom_soco_gaf1~gc_wd_prio_disp_mode_icon ).

    WHEN /sapsrm/if_cll_dom_soco_gaf1~gc_wd_prio_disp_mode_text.

*   Priorities should be displayed as Texts

*     -> There is only a new Cell Variant for displaying icons. If the cell variant for

*        displaying icons isn't used, a text-view will be displayed by default

    WHEN ' '.

*   Priorities shouldn't be displayed

*     -> There is only a new Cell Variant for displaying icons. If the cell variant for

*        displaying icons isn't used, a text-view will be displayed by default


*   Customer has modified table BBPC_PRIO_DISPTY

*   Use textual Display by default

*     -> There is only a new Cell Variant for displaying icons. If the cell variant for

*        displaying icons isn't used, a text-view will be displayed by default


* End of correction for note 1323962 - Priority Column

second part is below

*   Begin correction for note 1323962 - Priority Column

    CLEAR ls_priorities.

*   Get the required informations for the priority of the item

    READ TABLE lt_priorities INTO ls_priorities

      WITH KEY priority_id = <ls_elem_fields>-doc_priority.

*   Check if Priorities should be displayed as icons or texts

    CASE ls_prio_disp_mode-display_mode.

      WHEN /sapsrm/if_cll_dom_soco_gaf1~gc_wd_prio_disp_mode_icon.

*       Priorities should be displayed as Icons

*       set the corresponding Icon and description (used for displayed icon, text and tooltip)

        <ls_elem_fields>-prio_description = ls_priorities-description.

        <ls_elem_fields>-prio_icon_path = ls_priorities-symbol.

      WHEN /sapsrm/if_cll_dom_soco_gaf1~gc_wd_prio_disp_mode_text.

*       Priorities should be displayed as Texts

*       set the corresponding description (used for displayed text and tooltip)

        <ls_elem_fields>-prio_description = ls_priorities-description.

      WHEN ' '.

*       Priorities shouldn't be displayed. -> Maintain no data.


*       Customer has modified table BBPC_PRIO_DISPTY

*       Use textual Display by default

*       set the corresponding description (used for displayed text and tooltip)

        <ls_elem_fields>-prio_description = ls_priorities-description.


* End correction for note 1323962 - Priority Column

The surprise part is, in the second component's method WDDOINIT or WDDOMODIFYVIEW

if we read that table as below i could able to see the PRIORITY value in the table LT_WORKAREA

*Read Search result table

  lo_nd_workarea->get_static_attributes_table( IMPORTING table = lt_workarea )

But in the screen it is not displaying:)


Manimaran K

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hello Manimaran,

Thanks for the details. Could you please also specify your SRM version and SP?

Best Regards,


0 Kudos

Hello Daniel,

Sorry i forgot to provide these details. PFB details

SRM Version: 7.0



Support Package: SAPK-71310INSRMSRV


Manimaran K

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hello Manimaran,

Thank you for the version info. In release 713 it is necessary to maintain a Meta Data customizing, so that the priority text can be shown by the system on Step 2 of SOCO.

Please check if the following entry is maintained in SPRO path:

SAP Implementation Guide -> SAP Supplier Relationship Management -> SRM Server -> Cross-Application Basic Settings -> Extensions and Field Control (Personalization) -> Configure Field Control -> Configure Control for Fields of Substructures

Bus. Object Set Type  SI

Structure Field Name  PRIO_DESCRIPTION

Bus. Object Type      AO_SOCO

Field Visible is ticked.

If it is maintained please create a screenshot of it. If not, please maintain it and check if it solves the issue.

Best Regards,


0 Kudos

Hello Daniel,

Thanks for your reply.

I did not find any Meta Data field control for above fields and when i tried to add same in the path which you have mentioned i got an error message saying "Field PRIO_DESCRIPTION" does not exist in structure /SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_AO_SOCO_ITM".

When i checked the field in the structure /SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_AO_SOCO_ITM i did not find that field however there is another field called "PRIO_DESCR" so i tried by adding field control for this field but still the priority is not getting populated in SOCO2 screen.

Please let me know whether i shall add field "PRIO_DESCRIPTION" in above structure through meta data option Extensions and Field Control (Personalization)->Configure Customer Fields->Define customer fields on item level->Append for Customer Cross-Document Item Database Fields & Append for Customer Cross-Document Item Database Fields.


Manimaran K

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hello Manimaran,

Could you please check if the following structures have component PRIO_DESCRIPTION?



If not, please add the followings for both:

Component          Component Type



If you have these components, please create a video recording or a detailed step-by-step that shows how you try to set the Meta Data customizing in the mentioned SPRO path. Please create a screenshot about every step.

Best Regards,


0 Kudos

Hello Daniel,

It is working now.

Thanks for your patience and continues response on this issue.


As per your previous reply I just added the Field control for PRIO_DESCRIPTION in the same path which you mentioned despite getting below error.

Even with above error, still i could able to add field control for field PRIO_DESCRIPTION as follow.

And here is the result of SOCO2 screen where priority column is populated,

Actually we have raised on OSS Message for this issue and yet to get any solution on this.

Once again thanks for your Solution.


Manimaran K