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SRM-ROS Supplier Self Registration

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We downloaded the SRM EHP 1,2 & 3 and were having an issue with the supplier registration.  After the potential supplier fills out the questionnaire we are unable to view it.  We thought we could just click on the assigned number and it would bring up the questionnaire, just like it does in 7.0 but it doesn't.  How do you find the answered questionnaire?

Also, when we go to transfer the vendor over, we get "Vendor has been transferred to TEXCLNTXXX"  but when we go to find it, it can't find the vendor.  Shouldn't the vendor be transferred to SRM from ROS?  Where not sure that the configuration is correct.

Any help with this would be appreciated..


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Former Member
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Vendor can be trasfered to ECC from SUS as well and even the supplier created as potential can be transerfed to SRM using the xml to check the vendor is either created in ECC when its transfered from SUS please check the idocs with message type Zcreams type , In the Idoc you will be able find the vendor number created Ecc.

With  Regards,


Former Member
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Hi Patty,

Refer these document links and make sure you followed all the instruction as mentioned.



0 Kudos

Hi Patty,

are you using the new ROS functionality which is enabled by customizing switch SRM_701_SUCO_SUP_REG or still the "old" one?



Former Member
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Zoltan - We are using new functionality with customizing switch SRM_701_SUCO_SUP_REG.

0 Kudos

From the Supplier preselection POWL you should be able to open the potential supplier details webdynpro application and if the questionnaire was answered it should be possible to display it from here.

As for the transfer from ROS to SRM. This has not been changed from the "old" functioanlity. In order to transfer a supplier you log on to SRM as administrator or strategic purchaser, goto the business partner POWL, click on create supplier, click the add supplier from external directory and select your ROS supplier catalog.



0 Kudos

Hi Zolton,

When we click on the Pre-Select Supplier, we can see some of the accepted vendors, but there are no buttons showing at the bottom or top to select a vendor.

When Clicking on the” ROS Supplier list” link, we receive is error: 

<form action="http://       /webdynpro/sapsrm/wda_suco_powl?sap-client=XXX" name="jump" method="GET"><input type="hidden" name="sap-language" value="EN"><input type="hidden" name="sap-user" value="  "><input type="hidden" name="sap-password" value=" "><input type="hidden" name="~OKCode" value="ADDI"><input type="hidden" name="~target" value="_top"><input type="hidden" name="~caller" value="CTLG"><input type="hidden" name="HOOK_URL" value="http:// /sap(dD1TQVBfVFJBREVTSE9XX1BMVVMmYz00MDEmbD1FJmU9MDUxTWJtMGU3a0VwXzhRX3JRNmpqbS0tMDUxTWJtMGU3a0VwXzhRX3JRN0RqbS0tJnc9bndiYw==)/bc/bsp/sap/ros_prescreen/"><input type="hidden" name="OCI_VERSION" value="4.0"><input type="hidden" name="OPI_VERSION" value="1.0"><input type="hidden" name="returntarget" value="_top"><input type="hidden" name="OPI_MULTISELECT" value="X"></form><script language="JavaScript">document.jump.submit();</script>

We followed the configuration guide that was provided below, but still having this issue.

0 Kudos

Hi Patty.

This is the BSP application ROS_PRESCREEN which was used in the "old" ROS functionaltiy to accept or reject suppliers. As you have enabled SRM_701_SUCO_SUP_REG this one is not used anymore. You need to logon to your ROS client with a user having the /SAPSRM/SUCO_PROCESSOR role and then you will be able to access the new POWL for supplier preselction. More infos in note 1776399.



0 Kudos

Hi Zolton,

I found in a forum that you need this portal role, but we cannot find it in the portal.  Can you tell if this is correct or let me know which one is needed.


0 Kudos

Hi Patty,

I can only confirm the PFCG role used in ROS, which is /SAPSRM/SUCO_PROCESSOR, you can find the role matrix in note 1261825, to identify the associated portal role. All required portal roles should be contained in the SRM portal content.

