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Settings for services and limit item type procurement in SRM 7

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Hi All,

In our client "Material" item type for shopping carts business scenario is being used till now.

But now client wants to use the "Services" and "Limit" item types for the business process (during creation of shopping cart and subsequent documents).

I will like to know if there are any specific settings which need to be done as part of this for "Limit" and "Services".

Thank you in advance.



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Hi Sriram,

From a config standpoint, I cannot think of any additional config that you would have to do.

However, you  might end up in some errors during the confirmation process for a limit SC, please create some SCs in your QA environment and post them in SDN, some one will help you out.



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Hello Raghu,

Thank you for the reply.

I will check that and update accordingly.



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Hi Raghu,

I am getting error when trying to create shopping cart with item type as "Limit".

While creating by proffessional shopping cart --> Add item --> Limit item ; after giving the required details here and when clicking on ok I am getting the below error;

"Interface data contains error".

Can you suggest here ?



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Hi Sriram,

Can you check if any BADIs are implemented in your system and are you adding the limit items from a catalog or is it a free text item ?

Also take a look at the following note:

1919783:Error message : 'Interface data contains error' raised when adding a catalog item to the shopping cart



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Hi Raghu,

Please check the number ranges once.

Define the Item type for the PO to be created in back end system.

Best Regards,


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Hi Raghu,

Please check the below tables whether the ITEM type LIMI is defined or not?




Best Regards,


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Hi Siddappa,

Above tables which you have mentioned have been defined.



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Hi Raghu,

I am adding limit item by free text only.



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Did you check if any BADIs (DOC_CHECK/DOC_CHANGE) have been implemented ? If yes, deactivate them momentarily to determine if the error is due to your custom code or by the standard.

Also, did you check the SAP note.

If they were not helpful - please put an external breakpoint in BBP_PD_MSG_ADD which might help you in identifying more about the issue.

