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Hello all,

I ve got a question regarding MRP PR to SRM. We have a plant which wants to handle the MRP PR in SRM for approval workflows etc.. So after MRP creates a PR it should be transfered to SRM, then it should be approved there by the different workflows and then transfered back to the ERP, because our purchasing department only wants to work with ERP.

I only saw in the manual from SRM that these PR are getting in the SRM Sourcing engine and the purchaser has to work with them there.

Is there any possibility to transfer the approved PR from SRM back to the ERP system.

The reason for this is, that all Users (chiefs of department etc.) want to approve everything in SRM. Also MRP PR. They dont want 2 different systems. We use normaly our SRM for free text orders and cataloge purchasing.

Has anyone here an idea how it could be possible to implement this?

Best regards

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You have a scenario where free text PRs remain in SRM and other group of PRs go back to ECC as your Purchasing follows

the ECC pattern.

This can be achived by let all PRs get converted after they follow an common approval staregy in SRM.

For other set of PO' which you want to be in ECC set up an additional release stategy so those Purchase Orders will go for approval

in ECC to the purchaing dept

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I dont really understand you right.

Our free text shopping carts create a PR in the backend system after approval, the buyer has to create the PO manually then in ERP system from that PR. Our shooping carts from vendor cataloge create a PO automatically in the backend system also after approval in SRM and the buyer has nothing to do with them anymore.

The other plant wants now that also PR of MRP in the backend will be transfered to SRM and go also there for approval. after that they should go back and the buyer wants to create PO then in ERP system.

they also want to approve MRP PR in SRM. just for the approval process. to have only one approval system for everything (SRM).

best regards

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Active Contributor
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As per standard SAP, PRs transferred to SRM system are set to autoapproved and are routed to sourcing cockpit. So you will not be able to set shopping carts for approval process. However you might create POs out of these shopping carts which can be set for approval process.



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Thank you very much for your fast reply.

So is it possible to create automatically a PO out of the MRP PR which got to the sourcing cockpit, that they go right for approval workflow?

Could anyone change that Purchasing Order in the approval process? Then it would also be necessary that the buyer looks as the last person in the workflow over the PO and checks if everything is ok and nothing has changed?

so it doesn´t work without buyer working with SRM tool?

the copy of the PO will be transfered then back to the backend system right?

thanks very much for your helpfull anwers.

best regards

Former Member
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As mentioned by Sanjeev, PReq transferred to SRM are autoapproved & appear in sourcing cockpit for buyer intervention.

But, if the business requirement is to have approval only in SRM for PReq, you have to do an enhancement. You can upload PReq as shopping cart & evaluate use of BBP_PD_SC_CREATE.

You will find related information on below link.

/message/3082168#3082168 [original link is broken]

Hope this helps.

