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No catalog data extracted for HTTP/HTTPS import action

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we are implementing SRM UI Add-On with software components:

  • SRM 7.0,
  • SRM_SERVER 714 SP 2,
  • SAP_BASIS 7.50 SP 3,
  • SRMNXP01 150 SP02,

We succeeded in SRM Product Master Data extraction and product data indexation with TREX.

The Cross-Catalog Search works correctly.

Nevertheless, with catalog extraction in HTTP/HTTPS import, no data are extracted.

Indeed, the call:

  • CALL METHOD lv_res_client->response->get_cdata
    data = lv_body_string.

in lv_body_string, there is no items detail, so process cannot carry on.

Moreover, we do not have any log after background process with report /SRMNXP/CATALOG_SCHEDULER.

Does anyone have some clues regarding this extraction process?



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i have the final answer...

Regarding catalog data extraction from Ariba in JSON format, parameters to configure requests are available in the integration guide for Ariba Procurement Content:

- "URL" > correct URL is https://s1-eu.ariba. com/Buyer/downloadJson/<ANID> where <ANID> is the Ariba Network ID value for Ariba Procurement Content (this URL will never be the same as the one for Punch-Out catalog access),

- "UserId" and "password" are used to connect to APC for data extraction. Nevertheless, those two mandatory parameters do not exist for Punch-Out integration with Ariba catalog. This means they do not make part of Web Service catalog call structure.

Moreover, in SAP standard program /SRMNXP/CATALOG_EXTRACTION (transaction /SRMNXP/CAT01), user and password parameters are hard-coded (USERNAME and PASSWORD), so, it cannot work if you populate selection fields:

The only workaround is to add parameters "UserId"' and "password" in the Ariba catalog call structure Web Service for Punch-Out.

Be carefull, the HTTP request is case sensitive for its parameters. So, take care of the upper or lower case for each parameters given in the APC integration guide (otherwise, you will get HTTP 401 error) !

For any other Punch-Out catalog, same process will have to be done.
