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How to get new Default settings for SC in DOC CHANGE BADI

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Hi Experts,

We know that a user default settings can be fetched from BBP_READ_ATTRIBUTES by passing all the desired attributes (e.g. BUK for company code and many more from T77OMATTR table).

If we create a shopping cart, then we can change the defaults for that specific shopping cart using Set Values Link, how can we get this information in BBP_DOC_CHANGE BADI?

We know that newly added lines would have the defaults populated, however, I am having a requirement when I need to access these attributes when an item is a copy of SC template / Old SC (When we click Add item and select "Old shopping carts and templates" ).

Awaiting your reply..

Thanks & Regards

Mohit Kumar

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Former Member
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Hi Experts,

I could achieve it by SET PARAMETER and EXPORT/IMPORT from the called webdynpro components (by enhancing WDDOMODIFYVIEW of the called components (by writing post exits)).

Below were the component enhanced-


/SAPSRM/WDC_UI_DO_ACC         (account assignment information)

/SAPSRM/WDC_UI_DO_SHIPTO    (Delivery address)

/SAPSRM/WD_SC_UI_SO_DEFV    (for other information)