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Document Attachments in Shopping Cart

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Can any one tell me, when an document is attached in shopping cart where it will save and how this configuration has be made. If I want to change the settings to save in another server say filenet. How can I change, do I need to use any BADI (If exists please let me know in detail) or I need to change the settings.

Actually as per the user - when a shopping cart is created with an attachment it is storing in two places one is in ebp/docserver and another is in Filenet server. Now they want all the attachments only to be stored in Filent server.



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Please refer to the following link.


Hope this will help.

Please reward suitable points.


- Atul

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You need to do settings as described by Yann.

More importantly, you need to do other settings to connect to filenet server here.

SRM uses Kpro for document management. Now, if you want to use other document server, then please follow the menu path given below and do the settings (It will be difficult to explain all required settings here...your filenet expert & BAsis expert will be able to figure out easily):

SPRO->SAP IMG--> SAP WAS->Application server->basis services->Knowledge Provider

Explore the document management & content management options given here.

Best regards


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Hi Ram

WE too have the same problem what you faced for

Documents attached to a shopping cart currently storing http://gspsp01corp.gsp:8021sap/ebp/docserver/210/CR50327.JPG?attcget&ClId=45CFBD9A97BA5FCDE100000022... instead of this now all the attachments are to be store in someother location called filenet. Where do I can change this. Please suggest

have you got any solution ?? if yes pls let us know the procedure for to do this configuration in SRM Extended classic scenario, also let us know your mail id and contact detail for any further clarification.

Thanks and regards,

sekar - chennai - India

984133 1852

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Document settings for attachement is configured in the SRm IMG :

Path: SPRO-> SRM Server->Cross-Application Basic Settings->Define Settings for Attachments

Please read the IMG documentation .

Kind regards,


Former Member
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<b>summarizing useful info</b>

For SRM 4.0 ,to transfer attachments to backend,you need to do the foll:

-->figure DC10 and DC30 trx in R/3

in DC10 you make a new doc type e.g. SRM and configure it

for the same ref config guide of self service procurement

In DC30 you canfigure various file types.


in the method


you need to set attachement active with statement

cv_attach_transfer_active = 'X'.

There are BADI's in SRM 5.0 by the name,

BBP_CREATE_BE_RQ_NEW for PR creation and BBP_CREATE_BE_PO_NEW badi for PO creation.

Configuration for Attachment transfer


In order to store shopping cart attachments in the backend system, you must first activate the

transfer by creating an active method and by setting the indicator for parameter


or BAdI BBP_CREATE_REQ_BACK (for purchase requisitions).

See Implementation Guide (IMG):

Supplier Relationship Management > SRM Server > Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) > Follow-

On Document Generation in the Backend-System > Purchase Order in Backend System


Supplier Relationship Management > SRM Server > Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) > Follow-

On Document Generation in the Backend-System > Purchase Requisition in Backend-



Then you must configure the R/3 Document Management System (DMS) in transaction


1. Create document type SRM. Note that no flag is set in any of the columns.

2. Double click in the detail view to define the new Doc. type desc. = SRM Documents.

Set the Use KPro indicator.

Enter 1 in the Number assignment field.

Enter an internal number range interval. You can use an existing interval or

create a new one in transaction CV90. The internal number range must be used,

because the GUID of the SRM attachments has more digits than the number in

the backend system.

Maintain the number exit. The number exit is a program exit for document

number. It controls number assignment and version numbering for documents.

The default setting is MCDOKZNR. If you want to control the number assignment

or the version increment via a USER_EXIT, then you have to replace the

program MCDOKZNR with a company-specific program. You can find further

information in the field help for number exit.

In the screen area Field selection enter – in the field Document Status.

3. Go to the Dialog Structure and double-click on the entry Define object links. Define the

new object links EKPO and EBAN. Maintain object link descriptions for EKPO

(Purchase order item; 248) and EBAN (Purchase req. item; Scr. no. 247)

4. Define the workstation application in transaction DC30.

All required file types should be included in this list.



<b>Reward if helps</b>

Former Member
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I would like to know where we give the path to store the attachments.

