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Company Code determination for SRM PO Print Preview

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when you make a print preview of a PO in SRM (our release is SRM 7.0 EhP4), standard process determines Company Code based on Purchasing Group ID (check function module BBP_OUTPUT_COMPANY_FROM_EKGR).

Nevertheless, using this way, this means Company Organizational Unit's attribute COMPANY is inherited to Purchasing Organization, so to Purchasing Group too.

So, in case in your Organizational Structure, your Purchasing Organization is responsible for more than one Company Code (which means Organizationl Unit is not under Company Code), you will not have this inheritance.

Consequently, how is it possible to manage this situation by customizing?

If not, what is the SAP recommendation?

I writing this question in order to not have to open an OSS message. So if SAP employees can answer to my question, i will save time and SAP Support too.

Thank you for your support.



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Hi Laurent,

there is no customizing for this.

I would change the smartform and append code to determine the company according to Your business needs.

Kind regards
