- Overview
- Business Scenario
- Overall Supplier Evaluation
- Process Flow
- Technical Information
- Roles – Prerequisites
- Configuration setup
- Conclusion
1. Overview
To ensure sustainable supply base, supplier management and their development are continuous activities. Here, Supplier evaluation helps to understand the performance and identify areas of improvement for suppliers. Suppliers can be assessed based on following parameters under two categories:
- Quantitative (Hard facts) => Evaluation by quality, delivery time & quantity and price
- Qualitative (Soft facts) => Evaluation by questionnaires. For example: Quality certifications, compliance, CSR, strength, weakness etc
This document covers insights and related processes associated with
Supplier Evaluation by Questionnaire in S/4HANA.
2. Business Scenario
Supplier Evaluation by Questionnaire is a standalone process to assess suppliers based on set of pre-defined questions related to the situation or scenario. This evaluation can be done as and when required. Following are possible scenarios where supplier could be evaluated by soft facts.
- Supplier Audit
- Quotation Comparison
- Supplier Onboarding
Separate Questionnaire can be prepared based on the context for evaluation. Scores and weightages are assigned to questions which is the base for evaluation.
- Also Minimum accepted score can be given for both question and questionnaire. Results are in RED when it’s below minimum accepted score, GREEN when its 100% or Target Score and ORANGE when it’s below 100% or Target Score & above minimum accepted score.
- Results are viewed real-time in app like Display Suppliers at the “Evaluations” tab
Evaluation Scores at the Display Supplier Fiori App
3. Overall Supplier Evaluation
Evaluation by Questionnaire can be looked upon individually or overall with other hard fact criterions also. First of all, switch on “Supplier evaluation by purchase category” and then, the weightage can be given for “Questionnaire” along with other hard facts criteria like quantity, time, price, inspection lot and quality notification in the app “Supplier Evaluation Weighting and Scoring”.
Supplier Evaluation Weighting and Scoring Fiori App
Note: Purchase categories are grouping of material groups (1:1) and suppliers (N:N) using app “Manage Purchase Categories”
SPRO > Materials Management > Purchasing > Supplier Evaluation > Supplier Evaluation by Purchasing Category > Switch to Supplier Evaluation by Purchasing Category
Configuration for Switching to Supplier Evaluation by Purchasing Category
4. Process Flow
Below process flow chart explains various steps in the process along with important apps used for monitor & analysis purpose.
Process Flow of SE by Questionnaire
Step 1: App: Manage Questions
Create Sections can be used to group the type of questions based on the nature of the questions or simply the questions belonging to similar topics are divided into sections.
Create Groups: Groups are broader classification of the sections and questions. For example in a Quality related questionnaire, the Group can be “Quality”, the section can be “Quality Certification”, and the questions under this section can be related to various ISO certifications.
Step 2: App: Manage Questions
Create questions and assign to groups. Following are 4 types of questions. Only 1 & 2 are considered for scores and scores are be given during the question creation. Other types of questions, 3 & 4 are used to record information.
- Yes/No question => considered for scoring. Attachments and comments from recipients can be added. Only this type of question can be defined as disqualifying question.
- Single Answer question => considered for scoring. Attachments and comments from recipients can be added.
- Multiple Answer question => record information and not considered for scoring. Only attachments from recipients can be added.
- Free text question => record information and not considered for scoring. Only attachments from recipients can be added.
Note: For instance, for a Yes/No question that is marked as disqualifying, if the answer from the appraiser is not the answer what is expected then the activities to improve the performance of the supplier can be initiated.
Questionnaire with Mandatory and Disqualifying Questions
Mandatory and Disqualifying Question information during Evaluation
Step 3: App: Manage Questionnaires
Create Questionnaire: Assemble individual questions & sections created in the previous step as a Questionnaire. Here, questions can be set “mandatory”, “disqualifying” and “Dependent questions”. Weightage is assigned to questions and sections. Questions can be made
Mandatory which appraiser cannot submit without answering. Further, questions can be defined as having
Dependent questions where the appraiser should answer dependent question based on the choice of answer. This is allowed only for questions type 1 & 2 mentioned above.
For example, for the question “Are you a ISO certified?”, when the appraiser chooses “Yes”, then the branching/dependent question like “Since when?” can be displayed as there is no point in displaying this question when the answer for the main question is “No”.
Now, the questionnaire is in “Preparation” status and a questionnaire manager (role) can “Release” it. Purchasing Categories can also be assigned (optional) to the questionnaire as it serves the purpose of retrieval of the questionnaire during the template creation (next step).
Step 4: App: Manage Templates
The Category Manager (role) creates the evaluation templates from the released questionnaires and add list of suppliers and appraisers to it. Further, the template has details of purchasing category, purchaser responsible, number of days until response and deadline for evaluation. More than one questionnaire can be added to the evaluation template along with weightage. Also if there are multiple suppliers, appraisers and questionnaires in the evaluation template, we can assign all or subset of the suppliers and questionnaires against an appraiser in the “Assignment” tab of this app. The evaluation template is “Released” for creating evaluation requests. The status of the evaluation template will then change from “In Preparation” to “Released” when it is released. These templates can be used repeatedly to create evaluation requests when the need for evaluation has similar properties.
Step 5: App: Manage Templates
Create Group-based evaluation: Now, a new group based evaluation request can be generated and sent to the appraiser via email from the released evaluation template in the above step. The body of the email sent to appraiser can be given in the “email invitation” field. In this app, changes can be made to the list of suppliers, appraisers and the assignment of appraisers to suppliers and questionnaires (if required). New questionnaires other than already available cannot be added here. Response deadline date is proposed based on the number of days entered in the evaluation template and the same can also be modified.
Starting Group Based Evaluation Request
Submitting Group Based Evaluation Request
Step 6: App: Evaluate Suppliers
Evaluation of Suppliers: Each appraiser will receive as many evaluation requests as the number of suppliers and questionnaires assigned. Now, the appraiser has to answer the questions and the responses are submitted. While submitting the evaluation response, the appraiser can see the score. The status of evaluation request will change from “New” to “In-Process” and finally to “Submitted”.
Step 7 (i): App: Display Scorecards
Display Scorecards gives the entire evaluation details under section and further it can be drill down to questions and respective answers provided by the appraiser (role).
Step 7 (ii): App: Monitor Response
Monitor Response of the appraisers by Purchaser (role). The status will change from “Pending Reply” to “In-Process by Appraiser” then to “Returned” after submission. The responses from appraiser cannot be revoked once submitted.
Step 7 (iii): App: Supplier Evaluation by Questionnaire
Supplier Evaluation by Questionnaire fiori app gives analytical view of the scores obtained by the suppliers.
5. Technical Information
Following are few tables used in the supplier evaluation by questionnaire process
- /SRMSMC/D_QLBRT - Question Library Root Node
- /SRMSMC/D_QLBSEC - Question Library Section Node
- /SRMSMC/D_QLBSET - Section Master Title
- /SRMSMC/D_QLBQST - Question Library Question Node
- /SRMSMC/D_QLBVAL - Question Library Question Value Node - Scores for each question options
- /SRMSMC/D_QLBVLN - Question Library Question Val. Name Node - each question options
- /SRMSMC/D_SRS_QN - Question node
- /SRMSMC/D_SRS_QR - Questionnaire node
6. Roles – Pre-requisites
1. Assign Business Roles based on users responsibility
- Role: Strategic Buyer: SAP_BR_BUYER <=> App: Supplier Evaluation by Questionnaire
- Role: Purchaser: SAP_BR_PURCHASER <=> App: Supplier Evaluation by Questionnaire
- Role: Employee Procurement: SAP_BR_EMPLOYEE_PROCUREMENT <=> App: Evaluate Suppliers
2. Additional PFCG roles required are:
- Role: Questionnaire Manager: /SRMSMC/QUESTIONNAIRE_MANAGER <=> App: Manage Questionnaires & Manage Questions
- Role: Appraiser: /SRMSMC/EVALUATION_APPRAISER <=> App: Evaluate Suppliers
- Role: Category Manager: /SRMSMC/CATEGORY_MANAGER <=> App: Manage Templates
3. Synchronize SAP users ID to Employee as BP (Tc: PA30)
7. Configuration setup – Pre-requisites
Number range for Questions, Sections, Questionnaire, Template & Request, Responses & Scorecard (mandate)
IMG- Materials Management –Purchasing –Supplier and Category Management –Supplier Evaluation –Number Ranges for Supplier Evaluation
Number Range Configuration for SE by Questionnaire
Question Library Creation (Language specific) (mandatory)
IMG > Materials Management > Purchasing > Supplier and Category Management > Supplier Evaluation > Basic Settings for Supplier Evaluation > Create Question Library for Supplier Evaluation
Question Library for SE
8. Conclusion
Supplier evaluation by Questionnaire in SAP S/4HANA is a simplified process that facilitates recording of evaluation by soft facts without having to rely on external questionnaire tools and can be considered for Overall supplier evaluation along with hard facts.