In this blog, i am going to explain the basics of report results cleanup task and its functionality.
This is a type of scheduled task which is used to cleanup the results of the reports executed prior and having a query server event action as 'Alert'.
These results are usually stored in the Sourcing system and needs to be regularly cleaned up to avoid memory issues.
Steps for creating a Report Results Cleanup Task:
- Click on New button in Scheduled task
- Select the task type as Report Results Cleanup Task
- Give the display name and the description for the same.
- Specify the frequency the task should execute.
- Also you can specify the Start date and Expiration date.
- Finally click on Done to save the task.
One report results cleanup task is enough to clean the results of multiple report tasks. Hence it is always advisable to have a cleanup task scheduled in the system to clean up the alerts generated by report tasks.