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Watch ABAPers at SAP TechEd Getting Lemonade!

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Live from SAP TechEd Las Vegas. On Thursday, September 27 at 12:30 PM (Pacific time), SAP Mentors jelena.perfiljeva , bfeeb8ed7fa64a7d95efc21f74a8c135 and c436ae948d684935a91fce8b976e5aa7 will be taking your ABAP questions live from the SAP Mentors Lemonade Stand.

Got something you want to ask? Post it here before September 26 and it will be considered for the show!

Watch live and online here: (Replay will be available by the end of the same day at the same link).


Active Contributor

For those who don't understand the magnitude of the opportunity - Paul, Michelle and I will be at TechEd Las Vegas and we will be live on video discussing random ABAP and SAP subjects. Because we have only like 10 minutes (apparently, these days people are unable to sit through a longer video), we will just have "flashcards" with random quick questions / topics that we will answer / discuss.

So - your question may be in this video, which will be recorded and available after the event, so that you could send a link to your mom and dad or your colleagues to brag about.

Active Contributor

How dead is ABAP on the scale from 0 (very much alive) to 10 (zombie) ?


0 ( very much alive ) ? Zero kindaa negating :-).Hence.....

1 ( Very Much Alive)



I guess we could just simplify and do a boolean. 🙂 abap_true / abap_false.

Active Contributor

Are you learning any new programming language? Which one(s)?

Active Contributor

I have a query regarding this. In learning perspective, do SAP have any better idea to push ABAPers to HANA, except OPEN SAP courses?


Rajkumar Narasimman


Good question. Mind you, none of us in this interview actually works for SAP, so we can't provide an "official" answer. But I'll see if I get a chance to get any answer from inside of SAP at TechEd. I bet a possible answer is "well, why don't you try Hana xPress?" To which I already have a reply that simply reading the instructions, then reading blogs to explain those instructions and to point out some difficulties makes me want to run for the hills.

Back in 2001 I wanted to learn Java, I installed a compiler, wrote my first code and ran it in 10 minutes and completely free. Just sayin'...

0 Kudos

Thank you. I am also trying the same to learn HANA.

Active Contributor

Will ABAP finally have high order functions creating possibility?


Maybe bfeeb8ed7fa64a7d95efc21f74a8c135 knows this but what do you mean by "high order functions"?

Thank you!

0 Kudos

The high-order functions (also called "functors") is a part of the functional programming, summarizing, it's a function what takes one or more functions as argument and / or returns a function as result. 🙂

0 Kudos

For example, in Haskell it's like:

twice :: (a -> a) -> (a -> a)
twice f = f . f

f :: Num a => a -> a
f = subtract 3

main :: IO ()
main = print (twice f 7) -- 1


I do know the answer to this one!

So please turn up!

0 Kudos

I'm curious to know this answer hahaha.

Active Contributor

What are some of the more 'underrated' or 'undermarketed' new Features in the recent ABAP-Stack (say ABAP 7.4+) that our Deveopers should look into? And what great benefits / cases could they serve?

0 Kudos

My other Question has already been answered : "When is the ABAP-Language coming to SAP Cloud Platform?" ... Just announced ...


If you were an ABAP developer that didn't know any other programming language what should be your first step to change this?

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Thank you everyone for your suggestions. In addition to the suggestions here, I pulled some recent questions on Quora and handed them all in a bag to our mentors to draw from without any preparations beforehand. They answered these 10 questions in just as many minutes:

  • Which is better, ABAP or functional consultant at SAP?
  • Is SAP ABAP better than c#?
  • What are the most 'underrated' or 'undermarketed' new Features in the recent ABAP-Stack for Deveopers?
  • What is the difference between SAP ABAP and SAP consultant?
  • What is the difference between SAP HANA Development and ABAP on HANA?
  • Does SAP have a better idea to push ABAPers to HANA, except OPEN SAP courses?
  • Are you learning any new programming language? Which ones?
  • If you are an ABAP developer that doesn't know any other programming language, what should be your first step to change this?
  • How do I practice SAP ABAP without having access to SAP?
  • Will the SAP ABAP be useful in the future?

Watch now: ABAPers Getting Lemonade at SAP TechEd