Hi all!
First of all SAP TechEd 2013 in Amsterdam itself was great.
Now concerning the App itself:
The app is okay, but could come with some enhanced features next time. In my opinion the most important ones are:
- Showing the occupation of Hands On sessions by pre-reservations. It makes no sense to stand in a queue as the - let's say - twentieth Person, when it's quite clear that there are that much pre-reservations that a maximum of five further people can join the session. That's waste of time and - to be honest - also waste of invest, because spending my time in such a Queue prevents me from joining another session.
- An easier way of Feedback would be helpful like it is implemented at eBay or Amazon. Going through that feedback procedure is awesome and sometimes took a veeeery long time ... what brigns me to the critical Point ...
Performance of the app:
This was really some kind of nightmare almost all the time through the conference. Performance was bad, worse, the worsest.
If I am not able to give a Status update, because the app is so slow - it's okay.
If I am not able to post a photo for the same reason - it's okay also.
BUT: If I cannot locate the room for my next session, because the app is that slow (or sometimes even totally not responding for a very Long time), then I think it is not okay anymore - especially when I keep in mind that I payed appr. 3TEUR for that event. And it becomes even more critical because at this TechEd you had almost no alternative any more to find that Information ... BADEST MARK FOR THAT!!!! (in Germay it would be a 6, I think in the Us it would be a 1 or 0)
SAP wants to be the global leader in Terms of mobile?
Then spend much, much more money in the infrasturcture to enable the TechEd app to respond in accepable resonponse times and not in terms of delivery times.
Event was great, app failed ...,
What's your opinion?