For this year the InnoJam, which feeds into the SAP TechEd &&d-code DemoJam, took place at SAP Campus in Palo Alto, CA. It was in fact my first exposure to a 24-hour hack and I have got to say, it was an awesome eye opener!
The theme of the InnoJam this year was IoT (Internet of Things) in Agriculture, inspired by not only the lack of water in CA, but the ever changing climate conditions around the world and the growth of population. So, setting an initial scenario that the attendees could think about was pretty simple, see here. What I was astounded by straight away was the breadth of ideas that were created!
I was able to catch up with each of the six teams in turn and interview them, the first is below with Chris Rae@chris_rae01 who spoke about the InnoJam project that he took part in... Precision Agriculture