This years DemoJam was really nice...But like last year...Dan McWeeney and Ed Hermann really blow my mind off...They show us Majority Desk...You will ask yourself...What that? So I will need to answer you..."I really don't know...I'm just trying to get out of the shock"...
The guys were crazy enough to mix Flex, Open Dynamis Engine, PaperVision3D, Nintendo Wii and Python (I think I missing some else...) to create a really weird but yet awesome tool...Now look at this at this picture and tell me if you actually understand what's going on...
Is Ed really using Nintendo Wii player controls to move Flex applications around the screen? You can bet he is...I have never imaging something like that...I actually couldn't believe yet...
These guys are one of the most awesome things that could ever happened to the SDN Community...Opps! They did it again.