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As SAP TechEd Las Vegas is fast approaching, we are ecstatic about the Internet of Things (IoT) presence at the show. With IoT being a Hot Topic in this year’s educational breakout sessions, the Digital Farming Showcase, and the 2 IoT Pods on the main show floor there are many opportunities to explore all things IoT. Below we have highlighted the IoT events you do NOT want to miss at this year’s TechEd! • Live Studio Session - Wednesday, 9:15 – 10:00 Catch the interview with Diane Fanelli & Tanja Rueckert live from the show floor studio as they talk about the Internet of Things. • Strategy Talk: The Internet of Things and its Impact on Corporate IT - Wednesday, 10:30 - 11:30 Diane Fanelli and Tanja Rueckert will be discussing IoT and its Impact on Corporate IT. The Internet of Things is a major part of Digital Transformation. Businesses eager to embrace the changes have expectations that are sky high: technology must deliver and they are not prepared to wait. Those who elect to wait-and-see still need to move quickly when they deem the time is right. Organizationally, they need to be ready but legacy technology may trap them in silos. This session discusses what Corporate IT must consider to remain relevant in such challenging business environments. • Internet of Things (IoT) Lab (Tuesday – Thursday: 10.00am-6.00pm) Get a step-by step introduction to the IoT world through hands-on experience with hardware and software, and see how easy it is to connect to IoT services from SAP and SAP HANA Cloud Platform. • SAP IoT Showcase (Tuesday – Thursday: 10.00am-6.00pm) Don’t miss the ‘Digital Farming - Optimization with IoT, Telematics, and Predictive Analytics’ show case.  To compete successfully in a global market, farms need to produce ever higher yields from ever smaller acreages. Software for digital farming enables farmers to analyze and optimize processes and ensure higher yields – while protecting the environment. In the future, partners in the farming industry can be easily connected to create mutually beneficial networks. • SAP IoT Device Connection Management Showcase Optimize the management of your IoT devices and related services. It enables SAP enterprise customers to connect their IoT devices through mobile operators that encompass multiple countries worldwide. Further, the product makes global IoT deployments possible, providing customers with a choice of several certified operators.  It differentiates SAP’s IoT solution offering by combining SIM lifecycle management capabilities and IoT Applications. • SAP IoT Demo Pods (Tuesday – Thursday: 10.00am-6.00pm) There are 2 IoT pods available.  The IoT Platform Pod- Asset to Action will show customers that only SAP delivers the most comprehensive IoT technology portfolio. The IoT Apps Pod - Solutions Pod will demonstrate to customers that SAP can deliver the most comprehensive IoT applications and solutions to help them use IoT to bring their business into the 21’st century. • Networking Session Chat with conference speakers, SAP mentors, and more, lots of IoT speakers have signed up. • The Internet of Things: What’s New about it? - Tuesday & Wednesday 4:00-4:30 • SAP and Intel Breaking the Barriers of IoT – Wednesday 2:30-3:00 • Making the IoT Tangible: End to End IoT Scenarios with SAP HCP – Thursday 1:00-1:30 • App Space Build your own app within minutes using the SAP HANA Cloud Platform, and learn how to use the open source Javascript library from SAP to get your own apps up and running quickly and easily. Prizes for people who complete the tutorials successfully to retrieve at the IoT Smart Vending Machine Showcase As you can see there are many great events to support and showcase IoT this year, if you have not done it yet, try out SAP TechEd Agenda Builder so that you don’t miss out on anything IoT. Don’t forget that TechEd brings you unparalleled networking opportunities so please take advantage.  As you cannot be everywhere at once, you can follow IoT specific conference happenings on Twitter @SAP_IoT

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