In his SAPPHIRE NOW 2016 Keynote, SAP CEO bill.mcdermott said "Everything has to start with that ultimate empathy for the end user and the experience they are getting from your company."
Within the SAPPHIRE audience were SAP Mentors who agreed with Bill McDermott's message, and also made it a personal goal to learn more about customer empathy and find ways to help our SAP community realize its value. Thanks to the generous support of SAP's CIO thomas.saueressig, and SAP's SVP of Experiential Marketing Former Member, our community will have an opportunity to experience and realize empathy.
For fellow community members attending SAP TechEd in Barcelona, I would like to invite you to spend an evening with new and old friends to learn and experience what empathy is, exchange stories, and really commit yourself to this 'movement' of applying empathy in your lives. I'm grateful that SAP Mentor and Empathy coach Seung Chan Lim (Slim) has agreed to conduct and facilitate the event.
Date and Time: Thursday, November 10, 2016 7:00pm - 10:00pm
Transportation: Bus shuttle (see FAQ in Registration page for more info) or self-paid taxi
Register to attend event
(Maximum 75 people. If you are unable to attend, please unregister so others can join.)
When I began my own learning journey about empathy, one of my first points of clarification was the difference between sympathy and empathy. Whereas sympathy refers to 'feeling for' someone (e.g. hearing the distress in a customer's voice, and realizing the customer is unhappy), empathy is about 'feeling with' that person (e.g. imaging I'm that customer, and experiencing the distress myself). This had a huge impact on my learning.
How is empathy important to our work or life? Can we learn to be empathetic? What might prevent us from realizing empathy?
Join SAP Mentors, customers, partners, and SAP employees at the "Evening of Empathy" to share your thoughts and perspectives on these questions. You just might be surprised by what you walk away with.