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SAP EP Certification (C_TEP15_04s)

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hi Experts,

I am preparing for the SAP EP Certification (C_TEP15_04s),

I will be giving the test directly without attending the training.

I need the general schedule for direct certification, that is is it quaterly or twice in a yrs ????

I tried to get this information from SAP but they say they will disclose the exam schedule only after regisration is done, I am planning to give the test earliest after 2-3 months .....

Would any one please guide me when should i fil the form, to get the proper time slot for the test ??

Also can i give test from my location ????

Can anyone please help me to get some exam papers and Sample SAP Cerification test for the above code (C_TEP15_04s)

Please help.



Edited by: sanjyoti lengare on May 21, 2008 11:40 PM

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The information you have got from SAP is right. They will announce the certification dates in advance. They will let you know just 10-15 days in advance to the test. They will decide certification exam dates and locations based on the certification registrations, number of people applied and some other aspects. Since many people are writing EP certification, almost every month you will have EP certification exam. So, first decide by what date you will be ready to take test, then register 15-20 days inadvance to that date. You will get the slot. You didnt mention your location. All the major cities have test centers, confirm with SAP about your city. You will get few sample and model questions if you search on the internet. You can also get sample questions from people who have already taken SAP authorized training in EP.



Former Member
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Thankyou for your reply.

Would you please suggest me some links for sample papers,

Are the courses EP150 and TEP15 different or two names for the same course,

Please help i am really confused.

at sanjyoti07 @

