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Fundraising in a Tight Economy

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What are the ideas related to how we can raise funds in a tight economy?

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Here are a few ideas generated by Faculty Coordinators at the Curriculum Congress Roundtable Discussion --

Top three

u2022 General: Knowing companies that use SAP


Consulting firms

Guest speakers

Involve them in the process: curriculum design, etcu2026

They will then own the program

u2022 Know your alumni and involve them

u2022 Build an advisory council

Other Possibilities

u2022 Join and involve ASUG

u2022 Map of business in the area, companies that use SAP

u2022 Involve them in advisory council

u2022 SAP consulting list in the area

u2022 Local organizations that use SAP

u2022 State or Federal Govt. Partnership u2013 grant opportunities

u2022 Guest speakers in classes you teach:

u2013 team with them to identify research issues

u2022 Business alliances: FEI, CIO,

u2022 Know your alumni and involve them in the process

u2022 Blurb on your website in the form of video, clippings etc. to force them to buy into the project

u2022 Provide training

u2022 Faculty Advisor Team

Paul Cronan u2013 Leader

Akhilesh Chandra

Mike Donohoe

Steven Ray

David Douglas

Lian Qui