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Extend standard SAPUI5 control "Button" to add functionnality : allowHover property

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there is a learning journey develop-sapui5-applications 

In a following part, --> Working with UI5-Controls --> Developing a Standard Control Extension , there are tasks.

I have a question about the task 1 "Extend the Button Control".

github HoverButton.jpg

For this task 1, we create a control file HoverButton.js. We add a property "allowHover".

I tried to find this property in the documentation ( But i don't find it anywhere.

Where can I find the definition of that property ?


PS : 

If you want to do the exercise, you can start from here : Developing a Full-screen Application

Or the solution can be found here 


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I did the following test :

- change the name of the property from "allowHover" to "zzallowHover" in 2 files (HoverButton.js and Flights.view.xml) 

- after the change, I tested the "mouseover". And the "mouseover" was no more working anymore:

the call of this.getAllowHover() triggers an error : "Uncaught TypeError: this.getAllowHover is not a function"

==> I falsely concluded that the name of the property was not free to choose and it was imposed by the framework.

I just now debogued the app and I just saw that the framework generates a get method for each property with the first letter in upper case :

property allowHover ==> method getAllowHover

property zzallowHover ==> method ZzallowHover

It is the point that I was ignoring and missing. If you change the name of the property then you have to change the name of the get method.









Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Yes, that's exactly what I was saying 🙂