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BE fresher having query to go for ABAP cert. or not plz help.....

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hello, greeting everyone

im vikas very new here joined few min before. Rt now now surrounding a big QUE to worry about that's why i need help. plz if u read leave a comment

im a BE (electronic and comm.) fresher recently passed out and i come to know about SAP cert. and i had went to ATOS training institute in new delhi.they tell there is only one module they offering for fresher is ABAP.

now the que is "is there is a good scope of ABAP consultant in companies"

** "since i fresher so is it good to go to ABAP cert. course?" (main problem no.1 this blows my mind)

"for ABAP which language is mandatory i know C, C++ (littlebit )"

**"with current scenario good companies is hiring ABAP fresher.... with no exp......???"  (main problem no.2 this blows my mind)

"since im from electronic background so will i face some problem with my branch..??"

"ATOS new delhi is a rt place to go for cert. or not"(plz suggest)

plz plz help me getting my ans..

im waiting plz if u read this post plz comment to help.

thank u

plz help

this is my first time to write a post in any forum so my apology for any mistake

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Hi Vikas,

There are many areas where you can look into from a Technical background:

Ideally suited for freshers.Lot of competition in the market.
Little programming knowledge is sufficient.Most jobs are fetching by skilled people.
Quickly learn the basicsSalaries may not be that lucrative.
Business Intelligence
The future is for intelligence products.Without ECC experience, find it difficult to understand.
Lucrative Salaries.Lot of changes in technicalities, they are very volatile.
Easily shift to advance topics like BOBJ and HANACompetition has increased rapidly in the recent past.
Easy to jump into SAP market.Difficult to find good traininers / institutes.
Still relatively less competition.Need to keep update as the changes are rapid.
BI and BOBJ goes as complimentary products. May sometimes demand the functional knowledge.
Less competition.Difficult to find good traininers / institutes.
Chance to work on advanced technology. Product is still in getting matured.
SAP future is based on HANAMany clients are still unaware / unwilling to shift.

I tried to some pros and cons for some of the technical products. Hopefully, this gives you good amount of awareness on the products in the market. No certification can you any guarantee on the job. Definitely, there will be a struggle in getting break into SAP arena.

Please let me know if you have any further questions.

Best Regards,


Former Member
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sir thanks for help

sir i want to know what is pros and cons i think cons is consultant na..???but for pros no idea..

and sir if i opt for sap cert. course than which inst. is better option i went for ATOS(new delhi) branch.

they tell there is only one module for fresher ie ABAP.

im a bit confuse what to do. sir coz overall fee cost me is 4 lac its a huge money and job surety is not there but sir can u tell me when a fresher join sap course with no exp weather company recruit fresher or not. if yes than plz let me know at what %.

im a bit confuse what to do i like to do sap cert but a big prob i money any way ill handle it but sir still problem with this huge money n job surety sir plz let me know how much how much chances is there for fresher to get a entry level job in SAP.

** weather starting for fresher there is only one course available ie ABAP...????

thanku sir for ur help

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Hi Vikas,

Any training institute whatever be the company and its name, please do not care. Do not care even if you goes to SAP itself. The only thing you should see is the instructor. Usually they try to bring reasonably good instructor.

On this platform, I can say without any hesitation that the instructors are unauthorised training centers are far far knowledgeable and better when compared to some of the trainers at SAP ATCs. So, do not be under the misconception that SAP ATCs are quality educational centers.

Unfortunately, sometimes, our time bad, you will find a bad instructor, who only read the sentences in active and passive voices Particularly this is true when it comes to new dimensional products. Nobody can give you guarantee how a particular institute will be. Usually, when you speak to the Institute people, they will give you lot of high fundas, but as soon as they collected your money, you may see a totally different picture. You are not going for facilities, you are going for quality education. This can only be achieved if you get a good instructor and good system access.

I know you are taking huge gambling by investing lot of money for Certification. There is no job guarantee whatsoever for your certification. The maximum institutes will do is they may forward to some companies. But, that is drop in an ocean. There are number of people after passing certification utterly failed to jump into SAP market, though they have more than 10 - 20 years of experience and very good professional background. If you are thinking SAP Certification give you definite  job, you may have to rethink.

I have written a blog that why the people are mad for writing certification. Unfortunately, some of the people misunderstood my blog, it seems. You may be one of the example why people want to take huge gambling risk to invest enormous amount of money for small piece of paper.

However, the reality could be the following:

Even first time, I spent more than 3 lakhs in 2003 by taking huge bank loan by taking huge loan. I have taken the same gambling, though, at that time, I have very well professionally qualified and working in a reputed organisation in a respectable position. Still, my passion driven me to go towards SAP.

I know your main intention is job, anyone in your position, their first priority is job. But, that is all fine, if at all you have decided to go for training, go with a passion and never let that passion die in your life. Then, you will not behind the companies for jobs, they will be behind you.

All the best.

Best Regards,
