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Hello SAP Mobility Community:

SAP issued a corporate newsbyte announcing the availability of a new online SAP Mobility course for solution developers. This is the second SAP technology area launched by the new openSAP platform. openSAP is a brand new offering designed like a university online course - the model for openSAP originated from a similar model at the Hasso Plattner Institute. With openSAP, SAP is introducing a new way of learning which is open to everyone, focused on key topical areas, and free of charge to learners.

This new openSAP course is entitled "Introduction to Mobile Solution Development for the Enterprise" is now open for enrollment and will be offered for six weeks upon it's class start date of September 9, 2013. The course is comprised of a series of video lectures and system demos, supporting course material, and self-assessments to help you keep track of your progress through each week, and an online discussion forum to further enhance your learning experience.

As a learner in the openSAP environment, you will need to submit homework on a weekly basis and adhere to specific deadlines. The homework is graded and contributes to the points required to receive a statement of accomplishment at the end of the six weeks. In order to successfully measure your understanding of the newly acquired knowledge, there will be a final exam.

One of the key benefits of the openSAP offering is that it gives each learner the opportunity to gain enough skill with SAP Mobility solutions and technologies to be able to make well-informed decisions as to how to proceed with his/her professional career in mobile application development. Each learner will also be able to make better choices as to how to continue their development with SAP Education - regardless of whether he/she decides to continue on as a mobile commerce solution developer, enterprise application developer for SMP, developer of meta-data driven applications with SAP Agentry, etc. Because SAP Education's curricula and certifications are role-based, it has never be easier to find the content you need by role and solution area.

Needless to say that the openSAP Mobility course compliments the existing SAP Education offerings around Mobility and is a great way to get you started on the path to enterprise mobile application development. SAP Education offers delivery flexibility, in the case that either strict duration-based or self-paced works best for you. Your options include eLearning, traditional classroom training, virtual classroom training, eLearning subscriptions, mLearning, SAP LearningHub, Academy or eAcademy. Please visit the following link for more information about how openSAP and SAP Education can become your end-to-end training platform:

ABOUT THE openSAP "Introduction to Mobile Solution Development for the Enterprise" COURSE

Start Date: September 9, 2013, 9:00 am (CEST)
Duration: 6 weeks (4 - 6 hours per week)
Final exam: October 19 - 28, 2013
Course language: English
Enrollment URL:

Course Summary:

Mobile technology has become an integral component in our lives and is driving the expectations of how we interact with our business systems. Like SAP, top businesses today recognize the value of enabling their employees to work anytime, anywhere through the use of mobile technologies. However, providing this ability in an enterprise context can become quite tricky.

Mobile devices come in various forms and run a variety of operating systems. You will learn, how SAP allows enterprises to support its employee-owned mobile devices and maintain control over the cost and complexity of development. Enterprises often have many disparate backend systems containing the data they wish to mobilize. This course will show how enterprises can use SAP's Mobile Platform to integrate into this environment cost-effectively and securely.

Enterprise transactions and data are generally quite sensitive in nature and making that data secure is often of prime concern to businesses. In this course, you will learn about the tools SAP offers to deal with mobile data security concerns.

We certainly want to be able to do business on our phones and tablets, but we’re not necessarily aware of what needs to go on behind the scenes to enable this. In this course, we’ll learn what it takes to make an enterprise-ready app with SAP Mobile solutions.

Weekly Topic Outline:

  • Week 1: Introduction to Mobile Development
  • Week 2: Enterprise Mobility
  • Week 3: Creating an Enterprise-ready Application
  • Week 4: OData
  • Week 5: Client Design and Implementation Choices
  • Week 6: Enterprise Security Concept & Outlook 

Target Audience: Application Developers; Mobile Application Developers

Course Requirements: Basic programming knowledge including HTML, Java Script, Java, HTTP; CSS is optional

Wishing you all successful careers in enterprise mobility. Please feel free to reach out to me for more details about SAP Mobility training.


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