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Monitor SM21, SM37, ST22

  1. Work processes are not sufficient to handle the user requests.
    • May be too many work processes enters into PRIV mode.
    • Restrict the number of work process from entering into PRIV mode by the parameter rdisp/wppriv_max_no=2
    • Increase the work process depending upon the requirement based on users [ST07]
    • Checking the status in SM50/SM66

    2. Users complain that he cannot logon to the system.

    • May be GUI issues. So uninstall and reinstall the GUI.
    • May be network issues [Switch/Router/Hub/VPN/Internet/Intranet…]
    • May be credentials issues [user id, pwd, client, language]

    3. File system issues during updates.

    • Check the space constraints
    • Not opened files
    • File format issues
    • May be virus issue

    4. Dead Lock Issues.

    • Upon approvals kill the user sessions in SM04

    5. Update process failed.

    • May be deactivated in SM14 [rdisp/vb_stop_active]
    • Programming related issues.
    • Update tables are filled, so delete the old updates [RSM13002 (SA38)]
    • Update processes are not configures as the ratio 1:5 with dialog work processes.
    • May be due to table space issues [table space over flown/max extents reached] ora-1631/1632, ora-1653/1654.
    • Adopt next extents/Increase table space.
    • May be due to archive struck [ora-255/272]
    • May be number range intervals are out of the value [SNRO-NRIV]

    6. Work processes running for long.

    • May be expensive programs are running to fetch huge data.

  1. Background jobs failed due to incorrect variants.
  2. Background jobs are failed due to programmatic errors.
  3. Background process is set to pause-:
    • BTCTRNS1/BTCTRNS2 ; rdisp/btctime=0
    • Operation mode switching.
    • Target systems are not available.
    • Dependent jobs are failed.
    • RFC connections failure to execute the task, so check the connections in SM59.
    • Memory bottlenecks, so increasing the memory may solve the purpose.

    7. Kernel incompatible related issues.

    • Download the latest Kernel specific for BIT/OS/BD.

    8. Enque table overflow.

    • Increase the enque table by using the parameters

enque /table_size = 4mb – 100mb

  • Deadlock situations [terminate the sessions]
  • May be work process parameter is set to “0” in rdisp/wp_no_enq=0

   9. Logon load balancing issues

    • May be entries are not maintained is sapmsg.ini

  10. Remote gateway connections are restricted.

    • Increase the remote gateway connections by using the parameter gw/max_conn=500

  11. Spool process related issues.

    • May be printer format is not supported to the print request.
    • May be drivers are not available.
    • May be printers too busy handling the user prints requests.
    • May be printer access levels are not monitored properly [SPAD]
    • Device is not installed properly
    • May be cartridge issues.
    • May be TEMSE table overflow.
    • To resolve the TEMSE issues, run the reports/standard housekeeping jobs to delete the old spool requests.


  12. Profiles are not maintained properly.

    • Check the entries in /usr/sap/SID/sys/profiles.

They are stored in ‘tpfypropty’ table and documented in ‘tpfydoc’.

  13. Operation modes switching is not properly set.

    • Define the operation modes in RZ04/Sm63 properly

  14. Profiles may not import to DB level.

    • Login to the system. Execute RZ10 àutilitiesàimport from active servers.

  15. Support packages related issues.

    • Communicate to SAP.
    • May not be uncarred properly [sapcar –xvf filename.sar]
    • SPAM/SAINT tools are outdated, so update them.
    • May not have enough space in TRANS directory.
    • May be kernel is outdated. So, update the latest kernel.
    • May be user is not having a DDIC authorizations.
    • Background jobs are not sufficient.
    • May be reports RDDIMPDP/RDDNEWPP are not scheduled.

  16. Entries in SAPMMC are missing.

    • Provide the details in Sapstartsrv.exe executable [HOSTNAME/SID/INSTANCE NUMBER]

  17. Transport related issues.

    • STMS is not configured.
    • May be domain controller is not maintained.
    • May be requests are not released [use SE01 to release the transport]
    • May be entries in transport profile are missing.
    • If the performance of CPU utilizations is decreasing then increase the CPU.
    • DB size is increasing more than 90%, add the table space/ by adding the data files can resolve the issues.
    • May be user is not having authorizations
    • May be target system is not available.

   18. Performance related issues [Response time issues]

    • GUI time is increasing. Check the desktop network connections.
    • GUI is outdated.
    • GUI is corrupt. Reinstall the GUI/update it.

   19. If swaps are occurred.

    • Adjust the memory related parameters.
    • Services may be deactivated, services.msc àstart the services.
    • Etc/host entries are not maintained
    • If the entries in GUI logon pad are not maintained properly, user complains that he cannot login to the SAP system. [Give proper instance number/IP address]


Short Dumps-:


When someone has changed the program when it’s in use.


When an admin explicitly cancels the job/program we counter this error.


When there is program terminated with errors, we get this short dump.


Generally GUI related issues, reinstall it.

    5.      CNTL_ERROR:

      When R3 interacts with workstation.


This occurs whenever we have a problem with memory. Increase the memory by using the parameters ztta/roll_area, ztta/roll_first,abap/heap_area_dia,abap/heap_nondia


Whenever a user tries to login to the systems without having S
_RFC/S_RFCACL authorisations we get this dump.


Set the parameter



Whenever ABAP processor detects an internal error, we get this dump [error during releasing the memory]

  10.  TIME_OUT:

Occurs whenever the processing time is out.


Occurs when the allocated memory is over flown.

  12.  DBIF_RSQL:

Error during executing the SQL statements.


    Generally this is a GUI related issue.

Resolutions for most of the ABAP dumps-:

  • By upgrading the Kernel.
  • By applying the program corrections [SNOTE], we can resolve issues.
  • Adding the table space we can resolve the space issues.
  • If there is an expensive program, try to split the program in small programs.
  • Adjust the memory parameter to resolve the memory bottleneck.
  • Check the database connectivity to start the SAP.
  • Check the LSNRTL service

Run  lsnrctl status

        lsnrctl start

        lsnrctl stop

  • Tune the program to split it.
  • Network bandwidth is congested, contact the network administrators.
  • If at all there are duplicate entries, updates will be failed.
  • Incorrect Kernel release may to deactivate the update process.


  • Whenever a program could not be executed it will be thrown into dump[snap tables] and displayed in transaction ST22.
  • The program execution failure can be due to any of the following reasons-:

1. Programmatically errors such as divided by 0, insert duplicate records, convert character into number, indefinite loops, program conversions failure, screen or menu issue, load_program_failed etc.

2. TSV_NEW_PAGE_ALLOC_FAILED, STORAGE_PARAMETERS_SRONG_SET occurred as the memory is not sufficient to execute the program.

3. Load_program_not found after applying the support packages manager patch as the SPAM screen itself is displayed.

4. File system issues such as file could not be opened to read/write etc.

5. Database errors/issues such as table space overflow [ora-1653/1654], max extents [ora-1631/1632 ] reached, archive stuck[255/272]

6. Time_out error [Programs exceeded the runtime]

7. Work processes occupies PRIV mode.

8. Update deactivation.

9. Lock table overflow.

10. Message_type_x [GUI or program error]

The dump need to be evaluated by using [when, where, how, what] and resolve the issue. The old ABAP dumps are re-organized by using a background job RSSNAPDL.


It is used to display the logs which are written by default. All the above dumps are logged in SM21.

Some of the system logs are-:

1. Work process startup and shut down.

2. User connection is terminated from terminal.

3. User logoff from SM04.

4. Lock deletion in SM12.

5. Operation mode switch in RZ03/RZ04.

6. SICK/SM28 error [kernel incompatible, process conflicts etc.]

7. User locks due to incorrect logons.

ST06: Capacity Planning

It is used to monitor the CPU utilization, memory utilization, top CPU resources, memory consumption processes, disk in/out, Saposcol [start/stop].

It also displays the 3 layers [presentation layer/application layer and database layer]. Execute ST06 and ensure that the CPU idle time should not go beyond 30%.

Check the usage of physical memory and ensure that the sufficient memory is available to the users.


It is used to display the traces that are written by work processes into work directory.



Heap memory is a dedicated memory to a process that cannot be shared by other processes until the task is terminated or kills the process or memory is insufficient.

