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The Global SAP Certification in the Cloud Program has been dealing with issues related to incompatibility in MACs to run Certification exams in the cloud. Due to the nature of Adobe Flash in the Questionmark application’s browser, this causes a primary issue for our MAC users.

The Global SAP Certification team has valued the partnership with Questionmark for many years now from deploying our own internal assessment exams for our SAP consultants and more recently our move to offering Certification in the Cloud


Please read Questionmark’s official statement below:

Questionmark has long been committed to providing best-in-class, hassle-free secure online assessment delivery to the Mac and iOS platforms – with Questionmark Secure for Mac and Questionmark Secure for iPad available in Apple’s App stores for several years running.  More recently, we have made (and continue to make) substantial investment in developing a new Questionmark Secure for Mac app that meets objectives including:

    1. Ensure an intuitive, reliable and secure experience for candidates taking online proctored exams
    2. Comply with Apple’s requirements for the Mac App store
    3. Comply with Apple's requirements for running on the latest hardware and operating system versions

Unfortunately, Questionmark is still working to achieve the latter of these objectives. Although we realize that the intransigent nature of App Store requirements may occasionally result in inconvenience to our customers, we respect and share Apple’s commitment to being at the vanguard of safe, secure and reliable web standards.

Please rest assured that we are working diligently to overcome the technical hurdles and expect to soon deliver an app that meets the needs of both the security needs of the certification community as well as requirements of the Mac App store.

In the meantime, we’d like to offer some options for our MAC users looking to complete any Certifications in the cloud:

  1. By simply logging into the SAP Training & Certification webshop on ANY PC, you can conduct the exam. As long as you have time to prepare the specific PC and conduct the specific system checks, find a friend or colleague who has a PC you could borrow when you sit for the exam
  2. Access to a local library or other public computer could offer PC availability and allow you to complete the exam by simply logging in with your S user on the SAP Training & Certification webshop as long as it passes the specific hardware and system checks and fulfills the requirement for a quiet environment without disturbance
  3. If neither of these options are a possibility, we would be happy to host you at a local SAP office and provide PC and internet access to you to sit for the exam. Simply contact your local Education Team and we will work with you to arrange the details

We sincerely apologize for this inconvenience and hope that these interim options will suite our MAC users for the time being. We continue to make this issue a priority to ensure that all our Certification in the cloud can be delivered successfully in the future.