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Product and Topic Expert

October 2nd to October 3rd 2014 SAP Labs, Sao Leopoldo, Brazil and SAP University Alliances held a highly successful Techniversity at the exceptional SAP Labs facility. Techniversity is held every year and draws students from universities across southern Brazil to get first hand exposure to new SAP technologies, products and ways of thinking. This year over 450 students and employees participated over the two days with students being given access to many different sessions.

The Design Thinking sessions brought business challenges such as the lack of women in the IT industry and the management of parking lots in big cities. Lectures were also offered about Big Data  in the world of Formula One, in sports management relating to soccer using the amazing interactive demonstration facilities in the SAP Lab demonstration suite, as well as Open Source, User Experience and Mobile technologies.

Other highlights were the CodeJam focused on the SAP HANA Cloud Platform attended by a dozen lecturers from current and prospective members of the SAP University Alliances program, and the Labs Experience tour, a unique opportunity for guests to learn more about our company.

Students were also given the opportunity to find out about open positions across Latin America, Brazil and of course especially the SAP Labs where they were amazed to find out not only the number of positions but how mature and cutting-edge they were. Many of the positions are the ideal first-step on a consulting career as well as giving students access to positions during their internships that will bring enormous value to their final year of studies.

I have to say many thanks to Lucas Escouto and his team at the SAP Labs who did an amazing job of turning all of the sessions into a coherent program of education for students, and for organising 450+ students into sessions – many of which lasted 15-20 minutes and then needed students to walk to another part of the building as part of their tour. The tour was seamless and at the end of both evenings all of the students remained. Whether that was because of the prize of an iPad given away both evenings for the best Codejam idea I don’t know!

Also a big thanks to Stefan Wagner who has been so keen to support this initiative and provided the facilities and people to hold the event and to ensure that we had access to the very best of the Labs to truly impress the students and Professors. We were all very impressed with what Stefan has been able to
achieve during his time as MD for the SAP Labs and we look forward to holding another Techniversity for even more students in 2015!