In today’s world, the amount of information available at our fingertips is enormous and continues to grow at an incredible speed. Wherever we go and whatever we do, we are creating a digital trail of information. Our thoughts are tracked through a trail of text messages, emails, and social media postings and our location is traceable through phone records and gps devices. Even topics you are interested in can be tracked through your internet searches and history. With the instantaneous effect of information sharing on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and many other sites, messages can go viral in minutes rather than weeks or months.
How can this affect business decisions? Join this openSAP course, Driving Business Results with Big Data, to find out
how big data can help businesses to drive results. The course will show you examples from companies that use the analysis of big data to improve their productivity and drive results, including healthcare in hospitals to speed up diagnosis of serious illnesses, and cities that use big data to reduce crime, allocate planning and licensing, and more.
The course will look at available solutions to support businesses to use big data in the most effective way.
By analyzing trends, affecting factors, and human behavior, companies can plan ahead and predict demand in the future. Big data can be used effectively across a broad range of areas within a company and in the final week of this course, the experts will focus on how big data can be used specifically for marketing purposes. Tailoring your message to suit specific target groups based on available information regarding their behavior can help your marketing department to get the right message to the right people in the right way. This will increase the effectiveness of your efforts and increase your success rates.
Driving Business Results with Big Data starts from June 23 and runs over a period of five weeks. Each week, new content will be released with learners completing the content at a time that suits their schedule. There will be weekly assignments where learners can collect points throughout the course which, along with the final exam, will contribute to the Record of Achievement.