Jinan, China
On 7 November 2012, the Shandong Academic Forum for University Alliances Schools was held at the Qilu Software Development Centre in Jinan, China. It has been three years since University Alliances collaborated with Qilu Software Development Zone to introduce UAP curriculum to 5 Jinan based universities. The universities are Shandong University, Shandong Jiaotong University, Shandong Institute of Commerce & Technology, Shandong Economic University and Shandong University of Finance. There were a total of 14 professors who attended the forum. Huang Gang, Sponsor of UAP from Qilu Software Development hosted the forum.
Jenny Yang, Senior Manager of SAP University Alliances China, shared the three years achievements of UAP for the professors on curriculum development, UAP activities and employment outcomes. She expressed her deep appreciation for Qilu Software’s sponsorship during past 2 years.
At the end of Forum, UA team awarded the best contribution to six lecturers and director to praise and encourage these faculties for further UAP curriculum and talent cultivation development.