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On the date of 17th Jan 2015 SAP UA  and SAP UCC China joint organized the first T.T.T workshop in 2015. There were 85 professors from 40 Universities
across China participate  the 5 days workshop.

There were 4  sessions in the train-the-trainer workshop: Introduction to SAP ERP,SAP HANA, Accounting Information system, SAP Simulation .
The workshop where hosted by in School of Computer and Information Technology  in BJTU which is the second time host T.T.T workshop in China.

Mr.Benjamin Wegener from UCC Magdeburg conducted 2 days SAP HANA introduction course to 22 China faculties from software, computer and information school.This was the first time that China professors learn SAP HANA in China. They are thinking it is are very good course to introduce to UCC and let their students to learn in their class.

Mr Jean-Francois Michon from HEC Montreal conducted SAP ERP Sim for 3 days. He trained the game of manufacturing  and logistic. The faculties think it is
very good ERP Simulation course and can enable students learn from playing and quick catch the key factors of running business.