An SAP Inside Track is a community event, open for all people from the Community (Customers, Consultants and Freelancers). No matter if you are a developer, business consultant or an architect. The event is organized by peers from the community.. and YOU are able to influence the agenda.
Find more information here.
In Bern, the autumn vacations start this weekend. Just got confirmation that Gaia (12J) is looking forward to going to #sitbru with me. Are there any other potential young thinkers on the way? Looking forward to it 🙂
I don't know for sure but nevertheless, everyone is welcome! We might have something cool for him!
Hi all, looking forward to my first SAP Inside Track Belgium. The link is not working for me currently, is it for you? @geert-janklaps
Wonderful .. the first SAPInsideTrack is going to be something special. I hope you will like it as much as I enjoyed mine.
the link is working for me.
Give it another try with a different browser. I remember it failed for me too (or I think it was not finishing to load) with Edge Browser.
see you on saturday
Thanks a lot, indeed seems to be browser-based issue. Works perfectly in Chrome. See you then!
So cool that you are going to be at sitBelgium @CBasis
Enjoy! 😊
Last update before SITBE tomorrow:
See you all tomorrow!