2011 Jun 15 5:26 PM
Hi all,
I was always under the impression that you could have only one address selected for a given time period for an address type. And when I try to add multiples in my system, I can only do so by ensuring the validity dates do not overlap.
But then I ran across a statement in the SAP Business Partner document that makes me wonder if you can configure it differently such that you can have multiple addresses valid at the same time for a given address usage.
Per the document [http://help.sap.com/printdocu/core/Print46c/en/data/pdf/CABP/CABP.pdf]:
"If you have assigned several addresses to an address type, the first address entered is marked as being the standard usage. If you wish to define a different address as the standard usage for an address type, select the desired address and choose Standard usage."
Can someone confirm or deny that it is possible to have multiple addresses active for the same validity period for an address type?
And if it is possible, what is the configuration setting that allows it as such?
2011 Jun 16 2:04 PM
CN -
Yes. It is possible to have multiple addresses of the same type for the BP and you will nominate one of them as the standard address for that address type during the actual address creation.
To configure go to
SPRO -> IMG -> Cross App Components -> SAP BP-> BP -> Basic Settings -> Address Deterrmination -> Address Types
When you set up your address types here there is a column which denotes if it can have multiple addresses or not.
Edited by: Nikhil on Jun 16, 2011 8:04 AM
2011 Jun 16 9:05 AM
Yes, you can maintain multiple addresses at business partner and in change contract account screen (CAA2), you can take F4 help on address field and fix on the address.
2011 Jun 16 2:04 PM
CN -
Yes. It is possible to have multiple addresses of the same type for the BP and you will nominate one of them as the standard address for that address type during the actual address creation.
To configure go to
SPRO -> IMG -> Cross App Components -> SAP BP-> BP -> Basic Settings -> Address Deterrmination -> Address Types
When you set up your address types here there is a column which denotes if it can have multiple addresses or not.
Edited by: Nikhil on Jun 16, 2011 8:04 AM
2011 Jun 16 2:37 PM