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Europe countries have agreed to long-term greenhouse gas reduction targets with interdependent goals of creating a low-carbon economy, ensuring a secure and sustainable energy system, and enabling competitive energy markets. Through this energy transition the energy market becomes attractive for players across the energy value chain, including many new entrants who see an opportunity to disrupt the traditional utility industry and take market share away from incumbent utilities.

"By 2020, the largest energy company in the world (by market cap) will not own any network or generation asset." (Dr. Žarko Sumić, Utilities & Energy Industry expert at Gardner, at WorldWebForum 2017)

The role of energy companies, including utilities, network operators, and oil & gas companies, is being transformed by a series of fundamental shifts including: impact of climate change, energy consumption and pricing, big power to small energy with the rise of prosumers, infrastructure and subsidies, etc.
How to stay ahead of the game.
Because of these changes, electricity utilities are under pressure. As revenue declines, costs are increasing due to needed investments to provide safe, reliable, and affordable power while also supporting an emerging, cleaner, and more distributed and intelligent grid that is required to provide needed flexibility. Therefore, utilities are looking for new revenue streams thinking through new business models. They are looking to turn the challenges of the energy transition into their advantage through entry into new markets and the delivery of new digital platforms and services.

Data is the new oil and information the new assets in the energy market.
Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions can only be achieved with a continuous move to renewable energy as well as the reduction of CO2-emissions / energy consumption and the improvement in energy efficiency. - In most central and Northern European countries, space heating and hot water account for one third of the energy consumption, therefore the building segment is one of the main drivers for greenhouse gas emissions. To be able to reach the aim of a future climate-neutral building stock, an increase in energy efficiency and environment sustainability is necessary.

A major enabler and driver of these goals will be the sharing of information (digital data) and making the right interpretation on a common base (visual analytics) for an optimized infrastructure and user behavior.

The hidden energy data treasure chest
The acquisition of information using digitalization and visualization via maps has long become reality in our private lives. Navigation systems, social networks or online search services provide us with location-based information and services daily.
In the corporate environment, however, geographical applications are so far sidelined to the background. Within the energy sector, the only approaches can be found in the technical network documentation or the network control systems. And this, even though many utilities key business objects having a geo-referential relation: customers, network elements, outages, production sites etc. The extensive use of these data and their symbiosis with commercial objects and external information could result in very valuable insights - which are currently nearly unexploited.

Visual Energy Analytics as an answer to "hot topics"
Based on above context, enersis suisse AG has developed its unique data management and analytics platform based on SAP HANA®. The enersis “Digital Energy Boardroom” brings together data related to energy consumption and technical values, refines and visualizes them in a geographic map-oriented context. The latest web technologies are used in conjunction with Big Data approaches and business intelligence scenarios to find answers to complex questions fast and user-friendly. - Through the integration of data from various sources (including from GIS systems) special algorithms generate new information and valuable insights.

We help our customers to retrieve their hidden energy data treasure and provide them with a user-friendly decision and communication platform.

To learn more about what makes the difference for a large utility company working together with a Big Data startup come see & listen to our presentation at the International SAP Conference for Utilities, March 28th – 30th, 2017, Lisbon, Portugal.