Introduction: -
Master Data Template is a tool used in IS-U industry to automate the data creation process. As a practical implementation of this tool, it is basically integrated with CRM system or any incoming document which would initiate the data creation process. However, this is also used by testers in order to create a new set of test data in the system.
Objective of this blog post is to provide end to end customization required in to initiate Master Data template processing. Before moving forward with the configurations, would request you to kindly go through the prerequisites required and assumptions in order to get the best out of this blog post.
Prerequisite: -
- Basic understanding of IS-U Data Model: Business Master Data & Technical Master Data
IS-U Data Model Overview
- Overview of Master Data Template
MDT Overview
Assumptions: -
- For this configuration, internal test system is used and only mandatory fields in each node are configured. Therefore, it is possible that in your system, additional customization is done which may be mandatory to be supplied for successful operation.
- IS-U Device containing single register is used.
- MD Template used is NEWCUSTPOD
Configurations: -
In this blog post, 4 different Attribute categories are used: -
- Parameter – This service is used when either we want to create a new artifact in the system or we want use to already existing artifact in the system. When it is not filled while MDT execution, system will create a new artifact.
- Constant – This acts as a constant value supplied while executing the MDT. This is done when we want the system to use a value while creating the artifact.
- Key Reference – This is a non-editable service which links sub nodes with parent nodes. For example, Business Partner created in node Business partner will be used in the sub node Contract Account.
- Virtual – This is used when we want to generate a value at run-time.
The colors preceding the nodes denote the status of the node. They are as follows:
- Green: Parameter assigned
- Yellow: Parameter assigned several times
- Grey: Parameter not yet assigned.
To begin with, let’s create a new master data template using the transaction
EPRODCUST and MD Template Category as
- Business Partner configuration –
Click on Business Partner node and Activate the same.
Field Name |
Comments |
Parameter service is used so that in create mode, system generates a new BP number, in update mode, system uses the same BP number supplied |
This is used to define which number rage will be used to create new BP. You can get this value using existing IS-U BP number in the table BUT000 |
Type defines if the BP is a person, organization or a group |
This defines Title for BP i.e. Mr., Ms., Company. Values are defined in master table TSAD3 |
Input Variable |
Input Variable |
Provide value ‘X’ to any one of the 3 variables. |
- Business Partner Address Data: -
Click on Business Partner Address Data node and activate the same.
For this node, apart from Country & Time Zone all the fields are Parameter as to take details in input.
Click on Contract Account node and activate the same.
For the below details, you can use an existing contract account using the transaction CAA3 or using the table FKKVKP
Field Name |
Comments |
Parameter service is used so that in create mode, system generates a new Contract account number, in update mode, system uses the same CA number supplied |
Possible values are defined in master table TFK002A |
This field is non-editable and is associated to Business Partner node |
Any text (Not mandatory) |
A tolerance group is assigned to a business partner in the master record of the contract account. Master Table: TFK043 |
Used to determine clearing rules in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable.Master Table TFK111 |
Defines rules for determining due dates. Tcode: OBB8 |
Classification of contract accounts within a supply area. Master Table: KONTOKLASSE |
Characteristic used with company code, division, main transaction and (if required) sub-transaction to determine a G/L account. Master Table: TE097A |
This represents the print program for Invoicing. |
This represents the company code defined in the system |
This represents the company code defined in the system |
This defines the dunning procedure for outstanding items. Master Table: TFK047A |
Click on Device Info Record node and activate the same.
Field Name |
Comments |
Parameter service is used so that in create mode, system generates a new serial number, in update mode, system uses the same serial number supplied |
This is the corresponding device category to be used. Tcode - EG01 |
Parameter service is used so that in create mode, system generates a equipment number, in update mode, system uses the same equipment number supplied |
Division to be used in Master Data creation |
Date from which the device will be available for use. |
Manufacturer of Device (Not Mandatory) |
Model Number (Not Mandatory) |
Register Group which defines no of registers in the device. Tcode - EG04 |
- Create Register for Device Info Record: -
Click on the sub node under Device Info Record node and activate the same.
This node represents the corresponding register info in a device. Here, ZWNUMMER determines the register number in the register group. If a IS-U meter contains more than one register, this node will be repeated using "Duplicate Node" function and ZWNUMMER will be updated accordingly.
Here I have provided all the information as constant as I am aware of the existing register's characteristics provided in the register group and do not require anything as an input.
Click on Connection Object node and activate the same.
- Address for Connection Object
Click on the sub node under Connection Object node and activate the same.
Here, as we want to have separate address for Connection Object and Business Partner therefore we have taken different parameters in comparison to parameter variables mentioned in node
Business Partner Address Data.
Click on the sub node under Connection Object node and activate the same.
Click on the sub node under Premise node and activate the same.
Field Name |
Comments |
This will define the date from which POD is valid |
Our objective is to derive a unique name for POD, therefore we have used a custom FM ZPODNAME which is a copy of FM ISU_VIRT_ATTR_REGIO_DEMO |
This will be derived from Premise node |
Value for this parameter will be found in Master Table EGRID |
This defines the corresponding Grid level w.r.t. Grid ID |
This will be derived internally if no value is provided at the time of execution |
This will define the service provider for POD |
This is POD text (Not Mandatory) |
Click on the sub node under Point of delivery node and activate the same.
Click on the sub node under Utility Installation node and activate the same.
Field Name |
Comments |
AB |
Start date for Installation |
Billing class to be used. Master Table EAKLASSE |
Rate category should have the same billing class given above. Tcode: EA53 |
MRU defines the scheduled meter reading date. Tcode E41H |
- Point of Delivery Within Utility Installation :
This will have all the same information provided in the node Point of Delivery.
- Install Device in Installation (Billing-Relevant)
Activate the sub node under Utility Installation
It will use the same parameters as given in Device Register Info.
- Install Register in Installation (Billing-Rel.)
Activate this node according to the no. of registers.
Here, ZWNUMMMERE should be updated as per the corresponding register number in the device.
Rate type should have register permissibility.
- Create Contract for Move-In
Next node to activate is Create Contract for Move-in which is a sub node under Utility Installation .
Here GEMFAKT defines if this is a Joint invoicing Contract or not.
KOFIZ should have the same value as defined in Contract Account.
Execution: -
This tool will serve the purpose of both create and update.
For create mode, we will not fill any standard artifacts of IS-U system i.e. BP number, Installation number and system will automatically derive them.
upon execution we can see that below artifacts are created in the system
Also as we have activated the Move-In node, therefore contract is also created by the tool
The above configurations will help in successfully implementing the BMD and TMD artifacts in the system along with Contract creation.
Happy to have your feedback and suggestions.