2012 Feb 02 12:27 PM
Dear All,
We use budget release scenario in our organisation. Budget is first entered (OPER Budget type - doc type 001) and then released (RLSE budget type - doc type 002), all in the transaction FMBB (FMMPRELE is also occasionally used).
We entered $100 as the budget and released the amount entirely for purchases for the year 2011. Now during carryforward to 2012 in transaction FMMPCOVR, I first transferred the OPER budget type (doc type 001) to 2012. Now the current budget in 2011 became 0 and the available budget stayed at $100, while in 2012, the current budget was $100 (the transfered) and the available budget was 0$. When I tried to transfer the released budget from 2011 to 2012, the system throws an error that the document type 002 does not exist for budget.
In Document type definition, we defined 002 for Release (In Scenario for Value Type).
I need the 2011 released budget to become 0 and the 2012 released budget to be $100, i.e this budget too needs to be carried forward. In the absence of this, once we release the transferred budget in 2012, we have $100 available for purchases in both 2011 and 2012.
Can the experts here provide a solution as to how this can be done ?
Thanks and Regards,
2012 Feb 02 4:44 PM
Please check the key figure used in your second transfer. The definition of this key figure should have a value type R1 instead of B1.
2012 Feb 02 3:49 PM
Can you specify what do you do in order to transfer 'released' budget? Do you enter RLSE for budget type and the system shows an error for 002?
2012 Feb 03 6:29 AM
Dear Eli,
I tried the same process as you've mentioned - give the document type as 002 and I get the error message "Document type WF01 does not exist for budget" (FMCU083). I tried giving the OPER budget document type 001 and then tried to give the budget type as RLSE (Corresponding to release budget type), but I got the error "Budget type RLSE does not exist for FM area 1000, for budget values" (FMCU008).
The thing is I need the release budget type too to be carried forward to the next year - this budget type RLSE is defined as R1 and currently appears as the available amount in the report.
Dear Minghong Ji,
We created a new key figure with R1 budget type, with exactly the same characteristics as YE_RESIDUAL. But still, without being able to enter the document type 002 defined for release and the sender and receiver budget types as RLSE, the released budget is not getting transfered.
In the system, OPER is defined as a budget type for entry, 001 as its document type, and RLSE is defined as the release budget type and 002 as the document type. When we enter the budget in FMBB, we enter OPER as the budget type and 001 as the document tye, and during the subsequent release, RLSE is defined as the budget type and 002 as document type. The entered value is displayed as Current Budget (transferable as of now) and the released value is displayed as Available Amount (this is what is posing problems by not being tranferable).
Can you kindly let me know of a solution for this ?
Thanks and Regards,
2012 Feb 03 1:59 PM
Please, make sure that carry-forward process (CORV and COSD) are assigned to RLSE budget type.
2012 Feb 03 4:39 PM
I just realized that you can NOT use document type 002 because it is defined for release only. You have to use a document type which is defined for budget. Whether you are carryforward original budget or released budget is determined by the key figure you are using in FMMPCOVR.
Edited by: Minghong Ji on Feb 3, 2012 5:39 PM
2012 Feb 07 1:42 PM
Dear Eli,
I checked the budget types and found that processes CORV and COSD could not be assigned for the release budget type - the option in itself was restricted to Enter, Return and Supplement alone.
Dear Minghong Ji,
If that's the case, that the released budget cannot be transferred, then I think the only option is to have separate releases next year for each budget item.
But one thing regarding the carryforward of budget items still confounds me. Say I consume $100 on a PR in 2011, and the PO happens only in 2012. Then 2012 too will reflect a consumption of $100, while 2011 will get the $100 consumption reversed. However I still need to enter a budget of $100 or more in 2012 to have the PO passed - this way, there is a total of $200 ($100 each in 2011 and 2012) to pass the single $100 value PR. Is there any way in which I just can have a single budget entry of $100 in 2011, and when the PO takes place in 2012, there is no budget shortage error ? In that the $100 budget consumed gets transfered to 2012 first as the available amount and then the consumption happens at PO stage ? This way I can operate in 2012 without any budget allocated.
Eli and Minghong Ji,
Thanks a lot for the replies, they've been of great help in exploring more and more functionalities of the Funds Management module .
2012 Feb 07 5:07 PM
First of all, I want to clarify on the point I made in my previous posting. You can not use document type 002 to carry forward released budget. However you CAN use document type 001 (which is defined for budget) to carry forward RELEASED budget as long as in the key figure definition, you specify value type as R1 instead of B1. Defining a document type for releasing budget and carrying forward released budget are two different things.
To answer your question regarding carrying forward budget for PR or PO, FMMPCOVR is not the right program. This program is for 'residual' (the 'leftover') budget not for the consummed budget. If an open PR consummed budget in 2011, what you want to do is to carry forward PR along with its budget. To do this you need to configure 'Prepare Budget Carryforward for Commitment for BCS'. The menu parth is Funds Management Government > Closing Operations > Closing Operation for BCS. You then active budget carryforward for commitment, define budget entry document for commitment carryforward and / or setup automatic budget postings after fiscal year change. Once you configured the fuctionality, budget tied to the commitments are automatically carried forward to next year when you exicute FMJ2. In your example, $100 budget tied to PR will disapear from 2011 and show up in 2012.
2012 Feb 09 5:41 AM
Dear Minghong Ji,
Thanks a lot for your reply (and more importantly, your patience) regarding the carryforward of budget items. My concern is regarding the budget entry that is to be done twice. The settings you've mentioned, I've incorporated them, but still my requirement is unmet. What I'm trying is this:
1) I enter $100 as current budget (B1 type) and release the entire amount (R1 type). The budget report in 2011 reads
Current Budget - $100 (B1 type value)
Consumable Budget - $100 (R1 type value)
Consumed Budget - $0
Available Budget - $100
2) I create a PR for $40 in 2011. Now the report in 2011 reads
Current Budget - $100 (B1 type value)
Consumable Budget - $100 (R1 type value)
Consumed Budget - $40
Available Budget - $60
3) The PO for the same is to be done in 2012.
4) To facilitate this, I carryforward (FMJ2) the PR to the next year. Now the report in 2011 reads
Current Budget - $100 (B1 type value)
Consumable Budget - $100 (R1 type value)
Consumed Budget - $0
Available Budget - $100
And I get an error that there is a deficit of $40 in the 2012 budget. (I have not made any budget entry in 2012). Then I make an entry of $40 in 2012 and release the entire amount, and now it reads in 2012,
Current Budget - $40 (B1 type value)
Consumable Budget - $40 (R1 type value)
Consumed Budget - $40
Available Budget - $0
What happens is that to clear $40 worth of PR, I invariably have to enter $140 ($100 in 2011 and $40 in 2012). My requirement is that in FMJ2, the commitment should be carried forward (this reducing the consumed budget in 2012) and also the Current Budget and the Consumable budget has to be carried forward from this PR value automatically, i.e even the current and consumable budget has to be transfered from 2011 to 2012. In this way, there will not be a necessity for me to increase the budget in 2012 too, to facilitate this PO to pass through.
Does my query sound logical ? I thought so, because there is an unnecessary budget wastage of $40 in 2011, which can be avoided by carrying forward both B1 and R1 budget types along with the commitment carried forward to 2012.
Really sorry if these questions test your patience, but I seem to be missing some step which I want to rectify at the earliest before the carry forward happens next month.
2012 Feb 09 11:57 PM
Hi Wy,
I think this kind of discussion is more fun than pure technical stuff.
According to me, the basic logic should be a 2-step process: 1 carry forward budget for commitments; 2. carry forward residual budget. In yor senario, first step will change budget to $60 in 2011 and $40 in 2012. Commitment will be changed to $0 in 2011 and $40 in 2012. Second step will transfer $60 budget from 2011 to 2012.
In our system, we do not do budget release. When I tested FMMPCOVR using key figure YE_RESIDUAL, result seems to be correct. So, please let me know, what is the definition of your key figure and what report you are using that gives what you described in your posting.
2012 Feb 10 7:20 AM
Dear Minghong Ji,
Thanks for taking my constant pesturing in this forum so positively
The thing is when I wanted to select the key figure, three options came up:
On exploring further, I found that all three were defined for Value Type B1. So I created a new Key Figure (ZZ_RESIDU_RLSE) copying all the characteristics of YE_RESIDUAL, just that I changed the value type to R1 from B1.
Inspite of this, I was not able to transfer the budget as expected, the residual portion of only the current budget gets transfered. And while transferring commitments, only the Released Budget's commitment gets transferred (pertaining to R1 as mentioned in the previous mail), and not the Current Budget's committed value (B1). As a result I have to increase the budget again in 2012.
Just kept on exploring, but could not find any link that would enable me to transfer the Current Budget Part (B1 value type) of the commitments along with the Released Budget (R1 value type) part of the commitment.
Thanks a lot for the replies ! I just hope that you are'nt as confused as I was while typing this out
2012 Feb 02 4:44 PM
Please check the key figure used in your second transfer. The definition of this key figure should have a value type R1 instead of B1.