2010 Dec 18 12:46 PM
Hello all experts,
I have this unique requirement pertaining to indirect cost postings (GMIDCPOST):
Typical posting is:
Dr Fund1 Order/WBS/Costcenter func area funds center grant
Cr IDC fund Order/WBS/Costcenter func area funds center grant
Usually, the cost center or order or wbs in both line items are usually the same. However, the client wants the credit line entry cost object to be a particular cost center / wbs / order derived from the business area.
For example: If the debit line item is to an order, then the credit line item should be to a different order that is derived based on the business area. Likewise, if the debit line item cost object is a cost center, then the credit entry should be to a different cost center, that will be derived based on the business area.
Can this be accomplished by any of the standard functionalities? Has anyone had a similar situation?
Any help will be much appreciated.
2010 Dec 20 9:43 AM
Maybe BADI_GM_IDCPOST is helpful. it is described in [Note 911198 - New BADI_GM_IDCPOST method for alternate cost assignments|https://service.sap.com/sap/support/notes/911198]
let us know if this fits your needs
Kind regards
2010 Dec 20 4:01 PM
Hi Mar,
Thanks for your kind reply.
Yes - I will look into that BADi/Note that you suggested. It does sound like it might be useful.
Thanks again.