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controlled budget execution only fund center

Former Member
0 Kudos

Dear gurus,

I have the following situation, the budget prepared by the fund center and COMMIT ITEM, but the execution needs to be controlled only in the fund center, Regardless of the commit item

Any help is welcome



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Hi, if you're using BCS then it can be done through AVC addresses

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Is it general requirement or for one specific fund centre? If it's general requirement, I'm not sure you should use FM at all; with CO budget module you can manage this kind of activity. Anyway, as Alex pointed out, you can easily define it either with controlling objects in AVC ledger or with budget addresses derivation strategy if you manage budget structure.



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it is legal requirement for all scenarios, ie we budget

budget control (release) will be only the fund centerr exceeding the limit of the budget commit item but not the total fund center .

Please could provide me with examples of how the fmderive do?


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Hi, could you provide an example of your requirements?

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The need and the following:

Budget made the Fund Center: 1XAD345

Commit Item: 3456 - 2000 Materials

Commit Item: 4564 - 2000 Consumption

Total Fund Center: 4000

When making a purchase requisition, request or posting in FI will

as follows:

Fund Center: 1XAD345

Commit Item: 3456 - Materials - 2500, or I blew the

Commit Item: but respecting the ceiling of the Fund Center.

After a request to consult the reports of FM would be as follows:

Fund Center = Balance:

4000 - 2500 = 1,500 available for new spending


Former Member
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Hi, you can do it vai budget addressees. Eg create com.item A, and assign it to com.items 3456 and 4564.

Or,as Eli mentioned derive IO from Fund center,and AVC trigger for it.

Or,you can do it via Cover Eligibility

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As for me,if you won't use controlling for this propose,it's better to use Cover Eligibility

Former Member
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Thanks, but do multi level, if the copy is made of the planned values for CO in class cost, and derived for the item budget and Fund center.

Now I need to, do the following structure:

- Functional Area - 700 =

- Financial Center -1 = 100

- Financial Centre -2 = 200

- Financial Center -3 = 400

The control AVC functional only in the area, but throwing in the Fund Center

Please, give me example

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi. If i understood then in your example you want to allow consume 700 for every FC(FC1-FC3) with func. area.

I mean for these FC use 'shared' budget?

If so then you can create Cover Eligibility. So you have Cover Eligibility=1 where Func area=1, FC1-FC3 are receivers and senders(have shared budget).

Or you can create Budget- AVC addresses derivation

As for me 1 variant more suitable

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My problem and I'm trying to create Legders (AVC), however we have done everything, but we want to control only the fund center of the ceiling, regardless of the item is not complying, namely the budget and made by budget item, we copy CO to FM, the lowest level, but the control should be only the ceiling of the fund center, not by checking the item financeiro control. When we made the charge is correct values of CO to FM, but when we make a release is checking on the item budget, and he should check only the fund center.

Best Regards,

sorry, my english is bad.


Former Member
0 Kudos

So, create Cover eligibility, where the ceiling FC is receiver and others-sender.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Thanks Alex,

When we create the Cover Eligibility , we have to inform the fund center and commit item. How I can insert this information as a generic way, for example '*'.

And after, when I set rules in transaction FMCERULE, I have many funds center and commitment items. Is there any way to set this rules using a range for funds center and commitment items?

Best Regards.

Former Member
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Hi, you can generate cover eligibility rules automatically via the derivation strategy for the generation of cover eligibility rules.