The Internet of things is an enabler for many of our current challenges in mill products - from managing assets better, optimizing supply chain, reducing cost, increasing quality, improving operational efficiency, enabling new business models.
But how to get there?
Before even deciding which tools to use, the key question is
what to focus on? What are the best use cases to get started?
You could look at what your
peers are talking about (and doing). You could
brainstorm with business and your technology team to identify valuable and viable cases. You could look for
external advice.
Combine two proven approaches: Design Thinking and Prototyping
Design thinking is a great approach to go broad (and generate many ideas relevant to your business), and to focus on those ideas that generate most value.
Picture courtesy of Nicole Ebber via wikimedia: The Design Thinking process, referring to an Anja Wölbling, Kira Krämer, Clemens N. Buss, Katrin Dribbisch, Peter LoBue, and Abraham Taherivand 2012. "Design Thinking: An Innovative Concept for Developing User-Centered Software", in Software for People, Mädche, Alexander (eds.), Berlin: Springer, pp. 121ff.
Building real prototypes (e.g. with the
SAP DIgital Studio approach) is very helpful to test your ideas.
Once you have tested your ideas (and the external "inspiration"), a pilot or PoC is the next logical step. Depending on the use case, several mill companies build an own application on an IoT platform (like the SAP Leonardo Platform).
A good alternative is to connect an existing out-of-the-box application (like SAP's Predictive Maintenance and Service) with your "plant reality", and start from here.
For the German speakers, here's a good article on SAP's Digital Studio and how paper company WEIG used the approach to generate new ideas.
Real world example of agile innovation: Severstal
At his keynote at the SAP Metal and Mining Forum 2016, Severstal CIO Yuri Shekhovtsov shared their innovation approach. If you did not have the chance to attend, I strongly recommend to check the recorded video and slides. Yuri shares the ideas they generated, plus the approach and methodology behind.
Video: Taking the Next Steps to a Digital Business at Severstal
PDF: Taking the Next Steps to a Digital Business at Severstal
Curious to learn more?
Learn how to bring new technologies and services together to power digital transformation by downloading
The IoT Imperative for Energy and Natural Resource Companies.
Explore how to bring Industry 4.0 insights into your business today by reading
Industry 4.0: What’s Next?