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Posting Mode: actual or statistical posting. Admission fee must be actual

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Experts

Can You help me with Admission fee.

I found in IHE 203 that The Admission fee must be actual posting, but my clinet want to have it as a statistical posting.

I want to run fee calculation In Calculation Base: Admission Application Data and post it as a statistical item.

I will be realy greatfull if You can help me.



0 Kudos


Try leaving the processing mode empty:

Student Lifecycle Management -> Student Accounting -> Fees -> Pricing -> Fee Calculation Procedures -> Define Fee Calculation Procedure.

Good luck!


0 Kudos

Thanku YOU for your answer but It does not work.

Documnet is still real with empty field STAKZ but it should be "G" - statistical in field STAKZ.

Maybe I should use my own logic in user-exit . Do You kow which user-exit will be the best to do it ?

0 Kudos


Do you mean that you want a statistical booking in the DFKKOP table? So it can be viewed in transaction FPE3.

From the fee calculation it is normaly booked in the DFKKMOP table, and can be viewed in the FPE3S transaction?

I'm facing the same problem, i'm moving into the direction to creat the booking in the DFKKMOP table and using the business rule framework (Transaction BRF) to create a new booking in the DFKKOP and reverse the DFKKMOP booking.

Please let me know if this works for you.

Kind regards,

Lukas Molenaar

0 Kudos

Hello Lukas

Yes I want a statistical booking in the DFKKOP table to see it in T: FPE3

Thank You for your advise to use "business rule framework". I will have a look but to be frank I haven`t use this transaction before.

Once I ask in OSS for explanation statistical posting and I receive an answer:

" Currently the standard code in SLcM does not support automatice posting

of statistical documents. Nevertheless if required you could do a

customer modification as follows -

In the function module 'CMAC_REAL_DOC_ACCT_INIT' in the subroutine

'build_doc_header' comment out the following last three lines of code -

  • Only for statistical document

IF ps_fee_ctrl-pmode = c_stat_post.

cs_header-xmbel = 'X'.


This would ensure that the document is created as statistical document

and not sample document and you can view the document in transaction

FPE3 with field STAKZ marked as 'G'."

PS. But this customer modification is olnt If you are setting procesing mode and posting mode

IMG - > Student accounting -> Fee ->Basic seting ->Set up procesing mode for Fee Calculation

but you can not use it in Calculation Base for Admision Fee.

In my opinion standard code in SLcM should support automatice posting

of statistical documents.

0 Kudos


I would doupt if this is going to work. I've set the posting mode to stat post and i've debuged the change they have said.

Yes this does create a statistical booking in DFKKOP but then i keeps on posting even though the post has been booked already.

In order to get that working you need to edit the function module even more and this time in the subroutine "get_old_document". Here the old documents are retrieved. So here it shouldn't look to the DFKKMOP table but to the DFKKOP table. this is done in function module "CMAC_OLD_STAT_DOC_READ".

Good luck!

0 Kudos

Hi Grzegorz/Luca,

I am facing the same issue, did the enhancement that you mentione worked correctly?

Thanks in advance.
