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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

SAP HANA, SAP HANA, SAP HANA. Everyone keeps saying these 2 words, but what are the actual implications of this platform for the chemical industry? This 3 part series will explore use cases of SAP HANA in the Research and Development Chemical Ecosystem. Be sure to come back next week where I will explore SAP HANA and Product Compliance. 

Scientific research and development is at the heart of propelling every industry to the future. For the chemical industry this includes using various technologies to discover how to easily and more efficiently manufacture chemicals. To accomplish this, companies will conduct countless experiments and compile mountains of data in numerous data storage systems. However, this data is effectively useless unless it can be processed and analyzed. In addition, unstructured data residing in patents and articles in scientific journals alse needs to be explored.

One problem is that many companies in the chemical industry lack a platform that can compile data from multiple data storage systems. Data from different types of experiments and research teams will be placed in different storage systems. However, many times R&D departments need to access all internal knowledge plus external data. Without one central platform that gathers information from all storage locations companies will waste money and time on something that can be done in seconds.

Retrieval of existing information and analysis of existing data also allows their re-use without re-inventing the wheel again and again. Search functions and capabilities allow companies to save time and to avoid redundant literature search and experiments allowing them to further propel research and development.  

Effectively SAP HANA becomes one central storage system that compiles, processes, and analyzes all data ever recorded to make research and development more effective, efficient and enjoyable for chemical companies.

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